chapter 2B

E-book Student home page to review all material for each chapter, includes songs, puzzles and more.. check it out at:

conjugation review drills go to:

For e-practice worksheet:

e-drills of PRETERiTE TENSE (choose regular and irregular verbs) at

L2c2-B VocSR Open L2c2-B VocSR

2Bpre compras Open 2Bpre compras

L2c2-Bvoc Open L2c2-Bvoc

When shopping you know 0-100. For level 2 students, you are responsible to know higher numbers like zero to millions.

L2c2Bpre numeros Open L2c2Bpre numeros

also review your colors from level 1

L2cPE colores&ropa Open L2cPE colores&ropa

Lets talk about fashion and shopping for clothes

L1c1B & L2c2A ropa Open L1c1B & L2c2A ropa

Vocabulary application on shopping experience

Google Presentation Open Google Presentation

preterite tense regular verb practice

The Preterit Tense (regulars only)

Realidades 1: (ar verbs only) 7B p354-355, p354 act 12, p355 go-online & p355 mas practica

Realidades 1: (er/ir verbs only) 8A p383, 383 act 13, p384 go-online & p384 mas practica

Realidades 2: (2B p.110-113), p110 act 13, p133 go-online, p133 mas practica, p83-84 guided wkbk

Google Presentation Open Google Presentation

Frequency phrases for present versus preterite tense in Spanish

2B preterite -gar-zar-car verbs Open 2B preterite -gar-zar-car verbs

Preterite -car, -gar, -zar (Realidades 2: ch2B)

Realidades 1: ch7B, p356,p356 act 15, p359 go-online, p359 mas practica

Realidades 2, ch2B (vocabulary) & regular preterite tense verbs activities.

Preterite (car,gar,zar verbs) practice

2B StemChangepast Open 2B StemChangepast

Preterite stem-changing verbs ( -ir verbs only)

Realidades 2: (ch6A) p302, p302 act 12, p303 act 14,p304 go-online , p304 mas practica, p211-213 guided wkbk

Preterite stem-change (ir verbs) practice

2B StemChangepast i-y Open 2B StemChangepast i-y

Preterite stem-change (i-Y) verbs

Realidades 2 (ch5A) p250, p251 act 16, p255 go-online, p255 mas practica

Preterite (i-y) stem change practice

2B 3A preterite Ir & ser Open 2B 3A preterite Ir & ser

EXPLANATION of preterite tense (regular & stem-change verbs ) (click here)

Demonstrative Adjectives

(Realidades 1: chapter 7A p.332-335, p332 act 17, p335 activity (with this link only, p335 mas practica)

(Realidades 2: chapter 2B p.114-115, p114 activity 19, p115 go-online, p115 mas practica)

demonstrative as nouns Realidades 2 ch2B: p117 go-online & mas practica

CPS quiz on demonstrative adjectives

Demonstrative Adjective practice

L2c2B este,ese,aquel

2B este,ese,aquel Open 2B este,ese,aquel

Writing task:

Realidades 2: ch2B: p121 Una ganga! You received $200 for your birthday ($100 in cash and $100 in gift certificates) and just purchased several articles of clothing with the money. Write and email in Spanish to a friend describing your shopping spree. (include item purchased, where, price, color, material, and / style of each.)

Frequency words: primero, segundo, tercero, después, entonces, finalmente

Detail description: Encontré unas gangas

You received $200 for your birthday ($100 in cash and $100 in gift certificates) and just purchased several articles of clothing with the money.Write an email to a friend describing your shopping trip.

  1. Prewrite: Create a chart including a) what you bought (3 items)

b) where c) how much you paid and how (cash/gift certificate) d) describe the item bought (minimum of three descriptions per item)

2. Draft : Start your email with:

¡Hola! Para mi cumpleaños recibí $200 para comprar ropa nueva. Decidí ir al centro comercial porque….

3. Revise: Check email, make sure you have all requirements, spelling is correct, descriptions agree with noun in gender and number. Use a variety of vocabulary.

4. Final Copy: Rewrite email and make all necessary changes

Sample video called FASHION 5 by Mr. Rodney Grantham. Extended lesson with audio below.