Spanish 3

Students enrolled in Spanish 3CP course have successfully completed level 1 and 2 courses. This course provides students additional opportunities to expand their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Students will create sentences with the language as well as accessing short literary texts, authentic materials and media on generally familiar topics. Students satisfy limited communication and social interaction demands. They initiate and maintain face to face communication. They identify main ideas(s) and significant details in discussions, presentations, and written texts within a cultural context, read and interpret authentic materials, narrate and describe in sentences, groups of related sentences, and short cohesive passages in present, past, and future time. Students will compose messages, announcements, personal notes and advertisements. They continue to refine their knowledge and understanding of the target language, cuture(s), and their own by examining their interrelationship of other cultures to their own, by demonstrating behaviors appropriate in the target cultures, and by applying their knowledge and skills inside and outside of the classroom setting. Next in Sequence: None (Spanish 4 is available for Spanish 3 Honors only).

*ABSENT STUDENTS School policy: Students that are absent should expect to show a zero in the (parent portal) grade book for the missing work. Students must make up the work within 5 business days and show a re-admit slip to the teacher.

Verb Review for Spanish 3 - This will be the first vocabulary test for all Spanish III students.

Parent Portal: (grades updated daily)

(Students must be register in this course in order to have rights to view its presentations. Report to teacher if you can not view them.)

e-book can be found at

The teacher will post the SPANISH 3cp class registration code here: ________________

The student should use first and last name as username, and the password should be: ebook3.

This class is monitored by the teacher. Anyone without permission will be deleted immediately.

Registration/Enrollment Instructions

First time users:

To register in SuccessNet:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Register
  3. On the first screen, type the class access code above in the access code field.
  4. Follow the instructions to register.Please DO NOT use your full name as your user name.
  5. Write your user name on the blank line above exactly as you typed it.
  6. At the end of registration process, the SuccessNet login page appears.
  7. Log in by typing your user name and password.

Existing users:

To enroll in this class:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in by typing your existing user name and password.
  3. From your Home Page, click My Account.
  4. Click Add Class/Group
  5. Follow the instructions, and use the class access code above to enroll in this class or group.

E-book Student home page to review all material for each chapter, includes songs, puzzles and more...

go to:

For vocabulary spelling quizzes, student may have unlimited practice time at

Spanish 3cp (block) class code: BTMGMF893

I will give 1 vocabulary quiz on-line with each lesson, two for each chapter. I will take the first grade when you take the quiz, but you may take the quiz for a lesson as many times as necessary until you obtain an 85% or higher. The due date is the day before we take the lesson test. If you get and 85% or higher, I will change your first grade to the higher grade. You must take it in the school's tutoring center or with me.

Chromebook assignments along with rules & regulations

Student should register into parent portal (link is on top of this page) from the in order to keep up the class grades and daily assignments.

All students should turn in a signed syllabus, general information sheet, and computer use policy contract.

Students should also check out a textbook from the book room and a workbook (1st copy free) from the teacher.

Learning another language requires lots of practice time in order to get good at it. You are required to study 30 min a day worth of quality study time.

Students are also required to view the introduction to the class presentation below and turn in the answers to the questions within it.

Class rules & Routines

intro to class sra H Open intro to class sra H

  • Students are not allowed outside of the classroom during the first and last 15 mins of class.
  • The teacher may not give permission to anyone to go anywhere between classes.
  • No parking lot passes, talk to administration for that permission.
  • No bathroom passes, unless it is an emergency.
  • Teacher passes are only to C-148 (detention center) with a referral or to the health room.
  • Make up tests and tutoring takes place with an appointment 8:05-8:30am & 3:30-4:00pm or in media center from 8-5pm
  • No food or drinks in the classroom.
  • Students work from Bell to Bell / entire class time.
  • Homework everyday for at least 30 minutes
  • Full credit for makeup work within 3-5 school days of absence with a re-admit pass only.
  • Be prepared to use any required materials daily.

L1cPE1&L2 intro why learn Spanish

L1cPE1&L2 intro why learn Spanish Open L1cPE1&L2 intro why learn Spanish

First assignment is to learn all the Spanish Speaking countries (their location in the map) and their capitals from level 1.

For level 2, we will add the nationalities in Spanish for each country.

Level 3 is used as a quick review of learned materials.

L1cPE1&L2 intro Spanish GEOGRAPHY

L1cPE1&L2 intro Spanish GEOGRAPHY

Open L1cPE1&L2 intro Spanish GEOGRAPHY

Open L1cPE1&L2 intro Spanish GEOGRAPHY

Prueba del libro Realidades 3 (hecho por Sra. Zuleika Hernández)

1. ¿De qué color es la portada de Realidades 3 y el nombre del publicador?

Color: publicador:

2. ¿Qué bailan la pareja de la portada y entonces qué cuidad (nos imaginamos) está en la portada?

nombre de baile: nombre de cuidad/país:

3. ¿Reporta un dato sobre Venezuela y dónde está el mapa?

página del mapa: dato de Venezuela:

4. ¿Cómo se llama la página del RED/internet del libro Realidades 3?

5. ¿Cuáles son los cuatro objetivos del capítulo del tema Cuidemos nuestro planeta?





6. ¿Dónde se encuentra el diccionario en español-inglés e inglés-español?

español-inglés: inglés-español:

7. ¿Qué quiere decir “el personaje principal” en inglés?

8. ¿Cómo se dice en español “laptop”?

9. ¿Dónde encuentras el vocabulario adicional?

10. ¿Usando el Resumen de gramática, da los usos de Para?






11. Usando el Resumen de gramática, ¿cuál es la conjugación del verbo TENER en el presente subjuntivo?






12. Usando el indice de gramática, ¿Cuáles páginas incluyen la explicación del tiempo condicional?

13. ¿Cuál es el código del RED/internet de la practica del subjunctivo en la página 311?

14. ¿Cómo se llaman los capítulos de la unidad temática Para Empezar?

15. ¿Cuántas unidades Temáticas tiene el libro?

16. ¿Cuántos capítulos tiene el libro?

17. En cada capítulo, ¿qué material cubre A primera vista 1 o 2?

18. En cada capítulo, ¿qué cubre Manos a la obra?

19. En cada capítulo, ¿qué cubre, !Adelante!?

20. En cada capítulo hay una lectura, ¿Cómo se llama la lectura del Tema 2?

21. ¿Qué clase de lectura se encuentra en páginas 24-25?

22. ¿Cuál es el tema del fondo cultural de la pagina 1?

23. ¿Qué gramática cubre el Tema 1, capítulo 2?

24. ¿Cuál es el tema de las conexiones en la página 29?

25. ¿En cuál página está el Repaso de Tema 3?

Treasure hunt (textbook version of the textbook quiz)

I like the following web-pages as good resource of practice & review. Have fun. &

Here is the link to the Richland County Public Library resource

for you to review Spanish: Mango.

Conjugation review drills go to:

conjugate unlimited:

For e-practice worksheet:


On chromebooks, 1) must set the keyboard to intl.

2.use the ALT (right side only) and the letter you need. like: á,é,í,ó,ú, ñ, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ñ

On desktops/ home computers:

Spanish accents on DESKTOPS

(use ALT key + number pad)

ALT +160


ALT +130


ALT + 161


ALT + 162


ALT + 163


ALT + 129


ALT + 168


ALT + 173


ALT + 164


(CTRL+' + a)

CTRL + SHFT+ ~ + n

In order to use JAVA software in the chromebook, students will need to enter and log in with the RD2 username & password. Students must log out since there is a limit of usage. To log off, students must go to the start bottom on that window and disconnect.

To turn off chromebook, CTRL + SHIFT + Q


practice and assess your proficiency at


Voice recording could be done with online recording at