3 ch 2


E-book Student home page for Spanish 3 to review all material for each chapter, includes songs, puzzles and more.. check it out at: http://www.phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCode&wcprefix=jek&wcsuffix=0001

Repaso de Números

L2c3A numeros

Open L2c3A numeros

practice numbers with 6 e-drills at http://tinyurl.com/hernandeznumeros

Artists are reviewed for each chapter of level 1 & others from this chapter of level 3.

Named artists are: Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo, Fernando Botero, Bartolome Murrillo, Diego Rivera, Francisco de Goya, Salvador Dali, Digo Velazquez, Juan Miro, Remedios Varo

Preparacion para capitulo 2

p62 vocabulario de arte de pintura.

p63 gramatica sobre concordancia y comparacion de adjetivos: mas ... que, menos ... que, tan +adj+como, mejor que, peor que, mayor que, menor que,

adjectivos que terminan en: -e, -ista, -or.

p64 vocabulario de obras de arte.

p65 gramatica: comparacion de sustantivos y el superlativo:tanto/tanta... que... the most/the least: (la + noun+ mas/menos+adj.) (la mejor +noun) (la mas de ...)

e-book practice: p65 go-online icon, p65 mas practica icon

L2c1B comparison&superlative

Open L2c1B comparison&superlative

be prepared for pre-chapter 2 ASSESSMENT

Capitulo 2: Parte 1

objectives: understand information about art

p68-71 A primera vista 1: vocabulario y gramatica sobre arte de pinturas.

e-book practice: p71 go-online icon, p71 mas practica icon, p104 vocabulary flash cards

paper practice: p52-58 guided workbook, WAV wkbk writing p26

p72 Manos a la obra 1:

p76 Preterito vs imperfecto:

ebook practice: p78 go-online icon, p78 mas practica icon, p77 actividad 14 & 17

paper practice: p59-60 guided workbook, WAV wkbk writing p27.

L2c pastvsimperfect blackboard

Open L2c pastvsimperfect blackboard


to practice reasons when to use preterit vs imperfect with story lines:

¡Superhombre!, ¡Superhombre en Chile!, Ricitos de Oro #1, Ricitos de Oro #2, Study Module on Preterite vs Imperfect)

children stories (audio in book form) http://cuentosparadormir.com/

p79 Estar(present tense) + participio (-ado/-ido) (to describe the condition that are results of previous actions)

verbos irregulares: abrir, romper,poner, hacer, decir, ver, resolver, morir, escribir, volver

ebook practice: p81 go-online icon, p81 mas practica icon

paper practice: p61-62 guided workbook, WAV Wbk writing p28

Past Participles of Regular -er and -ir Verbs

To form the past participle of a regular -er verb, remove the -er suffix from the end of the infinitive and affix the -ido suffix to the stem.

Notice that some Spanish verbs like tener "to have" and ser "to be" that are irregular in other conjugations are regular in the past participle. For example:

  • Infinitive – Past Participle – English
  • aprender – aprendido - learned
  • beber – bebido – drunk
  • comer – comido – eaten
  • correr – corrido – run
  • perder – perdido - lost
  • ser – sido - been
  • tener – tenido – had
  • vender – vendido – sold

  • Irregular Past Participles
  • Some verbs are simply irregular in the past participle. Irregular past participles must be memorized. For example:
    • Infinitive – Past Participle – English
    • abrir – abierto – opened
    • cubrir – cubierto – covered
    • decir – dicho – said
    • describir – descrito – described
    • escribir – escrito – written
    • freir – frito – fried
    • hacer – hecho – done, made
    • morir – muerto – died
    • poner – puesto – put
    • resolver – resuelto – resolved
    • romper – roto – broken
    • ver – visto – seen
    • volver – vuelto – returned
  • Read more at Suite101: http://suite101.com/article/spanish-verbs-forming-past-participles-in-spanish-a241566

p97 presentacion oral: Quien debe ser el artista del milenio

(information must be presented clearly with supporting clear & convincing evidence. make good eye contact with audience, good intonation and gestures.)




5 areas at maximum of 4 point each = 20 total points)

Zero points

1 point

2 points

3 points

4 points


0 no effort to complete task

1 little effort to communicate

2 some effort to communicate

3 real effort to communicate4

4 usually high effortto communicate

Amount of Communication

0 no relevant information communicated by student

1 very little information communicated by student

2 some relevant information communicated by student

3 most relevant information communicated by student

4 all relevant information communicated by student


0 Could not understand anything student said

1 could understand only isolated words

2 could understand short sentences

3 could understand most of what student said

4 could understand everything student said


0 very many unnatural pauses, halting and fragmentary delivery

1 quite a few unnatural pauses, halting and fragmentary delivery

2 few unnatural pauses, halting and fragmentary delivery

3 few unnatural pauses

4 no unnatural pauses, almost effortless and smooth

Quality of Communication (Accuracy):

0 no statement are structurally correct

1 very few statement are structurally correct

2 structural problems and inaccuracies, although some statements are correct

3 most statements are structurally correct

4 all statement are structurally correct

be prepared for an chapter 2: part 1 ASSESSEMENT

Capitulo 2: Parte 2

objectives: understand information about music, drama, dance performances and art reviews.

p82 A primera vista 2: vocabulario y gramatica de arte.

ebook practice: p85 go-online icon, p85 mas practica icon, p104 flashcards

paper practice: p63-70 guided workbook, WAV Wkbk writing p29, vocabulary p104

pp86 Manos a la obra 2: vocabulario y gramatica en uso.

p88 SER y ESTAR : to be, uses of each on activity p32-34

ebook practice: p89 go-online icon, p89 mas practica icon

paper practice: p71-72 guided workbook, WAV wkbk writing p30-31

L2cPE estar&ser

Open L2cPE estar&ser

p90 preterito y imperfecto: different uses. actividad 36. p98 actividad 38

ebook practice: p93 go-online icon, p93 mas practica icon

paper practice: p73-74 guided workbook, WAV wkbk writing p32-33

Preterito y imperfecto dif meanings

Open Preterito y imperfecto dif meanings


(to practice preterit vs imperfect with story lines:

La fiesta de San Fermín, La historia de Juan,

Un viaje al Ecuador, ¡Qué miedo pasé!)

Children's book created by student

Are You My Mother?

Open Are You My Mother?

Spanish children's Books project: view requirements under projects tab. (sample work in this link)

Adelate! reading practice: Francisco de Goya

ebook practice: p95 go-online icon

or paper practice: p75 guided workbook

p96 listening activity.

p98-99 Presentacion escrita: mejor candidato

your information is clearly presented , details are organized and convincing. sentence structure is varied with very few errors.

p100-103 Lectura: cuando era puertorriquena

ebook practice: p103 mas practica icon

paper practice: p76-77 guided workbook

be prepared for a chapter 2 ASSESSMENT: repaso p104-107.

ebook practice: p107 go-online icon, p107 mas practica icon