fashion show

Fashion Show Project

Descripción del projecto de ... La Exposición de Moda: Español 1 CP

** For Español 2 y 3 only: the project is a total of 20pts. Fashion vocabulary needs to be in its' corresponding level. Instead of group it is a pair assignment. And less preparation time is alloted for the upper levels.


Host a class fashion show in which each group will be responsible for selecting a theme, designing appropriate outfits, choosing appropriate music, and describing each member to present to the class. Students must use the vocabulary and grammatical structures learned in lesson 1.2.


Se llama Ana. Tiene el pelo largo y los ojos azules. Es rubia. Lleva unos pantalones negros, una camisa roja, y zapatos negros. Es muy bonita. Gracias, Ana …

Level 3: Esta bella muchacha es una estudiante de la preparatoria de Spring Valley. Ella lleva unos pendientes y un medallón de oro. Un vestido de seda de lunares. Su vestido es de un color pastel con lunares blancos. Luce una chaqueta de seda de un solor color. Este vestido le luce bien porque es esbelta y tiene su pelo con cola de caballo. Gracias, Peregrina...


• Each group member must describe someone else’s clothing.

• Each description must consist of at least 7 complete sentences in Spanish.

• Each group member must be described

• Each group must develop a theme for the clothing such as going to school, going to a party, going on vacation, etc. Please remember that the school dress code still applies.

• Each group must select music that is tailored to the theme for the clothes worn by the group members. The music must be school appropriate, or the group will receive a zero.

• Each group must turn in a script (one per group) outlining who is wearing what outfits, what music is being played, and what description is being said.

• Each member will receive an individual grade as well as a group overall impression grade.


• Wednesday, 2/8: time to prepare and practice in class

• Thursday, 2/9: “El show de moda” in class (final presentation)

La nota de (Name ___________________) en LA EXPOSICIóN DE MODA

RUBRIC: your work will be evaluated according to the following rubric


(10 puntos) Bien

(8-9 puntos) Regular

(5-6 puntos) Triste

(0-4 puntos)


All requirements met. At least 7 sentences. 6 or fewer sentences. 5 or fewer sentences. 4 or fewer sentences.

Grammar All statements are structurally correct. Descriptions match clothing worn. Most statements are structurally correct. Descriptions match clothing worn. Many structural problems, but some statements are correct. Most descriptions match clothing worn. Very few statements are structurally correct. Descriptions do not match clothing worn.

Pronunciation Could understand everything said. Could understand most of what student said. Could understand part of what student said. Could understand little of what student said.

Final Impression Fluid, smooth presentation. Group cooperation evident. Music and clothes are school appropriate. Good presentation with some delays and/or evidence of problems with group cooperation. Music and clothes are school appropriate. Group cooperation not evident and/or choppy presentation choppy. Music and clothes are school appropriate. Group cooperation not evident and/or choppy presentation choppy. Music and/or clothes are not school appropriate.

+ 2 extra points for submitting this rubric with your group’s script on Thursday.

Total points earned: ____/40 possible points

LA EXPOSICIóN DE MODA con su jurado

Group leader: ____________________

Theme: _________________________

Music selected: ___________________


Who is describing: ___________________________________________

Who is being described: _______________________________________

What is s/he wearing: ________________________________________

Music being played: __________________________________________

Script: ___________________________________________________










Who is describing: ___________________________________________

Who is being described: _______________________________________

What is s/he wearing: ________________________________________

Music being played: __________________________________________

Script: ___________________________________________________










Who is describing: ___________________________________________

Who is being described: _______________________________________

What is s/he wearing: ________________________________________

Music being played: __________________________________________

Script: ___________________________________________________










Who is describing: ___________________________________________

Who is being described: _______________________________________

What is s/he wearing: ________________________________________

Music being played: __________________________________________

Script: ___________________________________________________







