Winter Days theme


Winter Days Service Learning Project

Winter days project ideas

Integrate Service Learning with WLOE Curriculum

SEMESTER 1 (includes coordination with Winter Days)

I. RESEARCH your community needs. You may need to research using the internet or your local/school's library. Answer the following questions. (4 points per correctly answered questions: 16 x 1 = 16 points).

  1. What is the need in your community that you are addressing with your donations or volunteer time? Example: percentage of poverty in your city and state, number of clients that your donation will affect, unemployment rate in your city and state, Name elderly homes in your community, no more than five.
  2. What is the purpose of your donations or volunteering? Why blankets, denim, pennies, a teddy bear, or time at an elderly home? Example: I donated blood because .....
  3. Which organization receives/ received your donations/ volunteer time? (ie. I donated my time to United Way)
  4. List the organizations that have partnerships with our school's "Winter Days" school-wide service learning program? Example: Red Cross is our partner to aid with the blood need in our community.
  5. What do each of our partners do to fill a specific community need? Example: Red Cross do the following things in our goal to do a blood drive: . . .
  6. What is the poverty line in USA/SC?
  7. How many people in the USA are living below the poverty line (income per year)?
  8. What is the unemployment rate in USA vs SC? or How many people are without a job?
  9. What are the statistics of working single parents and poverty in SC/USA?
  10. What are the poverty line (income per year) in a Spanish-Speaking country (you selected)?
  11. Why are poor people in USA in a better economic situation that in your selected Spanish-speaking country?
  12. If you were poor in USA, how would your life be different & what could you do to aid your situation?
  13. What programs are in place that a student may participate in order to help poverty in the world?
  14. How much money a person makes on average in dollars in the Spanish-speaking country you selected? & Do you consider it enough to live?
  15. How do I make a difference in my community by doing service learning? or how does it make you feel? (Personal reflection)
  16. Define the following terms: Hunger, Poverty, and Homelessness.

Footprint website about poverty in the world:

II. KEEPING RECORDS by logging all your service learning done this year (may include summer programs and your local church). (log required)

Name of project

Description of your donation or volunteering

# of items donated/time volunteered

signature of sponsor (proof)


fixing home for elderly in poverty

8 hour on a Saturday

III. SERVICE LEARNING required for the project: You may do one of the followings to meet the 30 point requirements with log: 5 hours of community service, adopt one foster child (2 students max), donate 3 blankets, 5 jeans, 30 cans, 6 children books or 3 bags for the homeless, donation blood drive = 4hrs.

IV. APPLICATION of your learned knowledge for your service learning project by reporting your service and analyzing your impact to our community (project reflection). The sentences must be typed, double spaced, and numbered to show technology proficiency. The sentences must state what you have done for the community this season and why it is important. Discuss the importance of giving back to the community in Spanish to the best of your abilities. Helpful vocabulary for this project is listed below in additional the vocabulary in your textbooks:

Level 1 => Type and number a minimum of 5 skinny/10 block sentences in Spanish. You will earn 2 points per correctly written sentence for a maximum of 20 points. (Students master the present tense. Future tense may be used using the phrase Ir + a + infinitive verb, and the past tense may be used using the verb acabar de + infinitive verb.) (Use verbs like: Donar, adoptar, trabajar como voluntario,leer a los niños, comprar, Rogar por dinero, juntar fondos, Ayudar , ir a ..., A mí, me gustar ... )

Level 2 => Type and number a minimum of 15 sentences in Spanish. You will earn 2 points per correctly written sentence for a maximum of 40 points (Students master the present and the past tense. If the future tense has not been master you may use the phrase Ir + a + infinitive verb).

Level 3 => Type and number a minimum of 20 sentences in Spanish. You will earn 2 points per correctly written sentence for a maximum of 60 points. (Students master the present, the past, future tense and the subjunctive.)

REMEMBER SVH HONOR CODE: No credit will be given for a sentence that the student can not explain its structure and content. No credit without documentation of service learning participation/donation.



(in English)


with record keeping log


(in Spanish)



16 (1 pts per question)


10/20 point (5/10 complete sentences) (2pts each)



16 (1 pts per question)


30 point (15 complete sentences) (2pts each)



16 (1 pts per question)


40 point (20 complete sentences) (2pts each)


ayudar a : to help . . . (homeless: la gente sin hogares / elderly: los ancianos, los viejos/ children: los niños/ los pobres: poor people ) Ser un buen ciudadano: To be a good citizen. los necesitados: the needy

donar: to donate . . . (sangre: blood / ropa: clothe / juguetes: toys/ can goods: comida en latas/ peluche:stuff animal)

. . . (mantas: blanket/ libros: book/ pantalones: pants / acesorios higenicos: toiletries )

trabajar de voluntario: to work as a volunteer) amar: to love juntar fondos: to collect funds

Winter days : Días de Invierno Penny war: Guerra de Centavos participar: to participate

Hacer un esfuerzo: to make the effort Colaborar con: to collaborate with Asistir: to assist

Traer: to bring Luchar contra: to fight against Percentage/rate: por ciento

(hambre: hunger / pobreza: poverty)

Cuidar: to take care of minuvalidos: handicapped. Enfermos: sick people

Dar de comer: to give to eat tiempo: time el comedor de beneficio: soup kitchen

El centro de la comunidad: community center El centro de rehabilitación: rehabilitation center.

suplicar: to ask politely Rogar: to beg Ser buen ciudadano: to be a good citizen

Es importante que: It is important that Es una lástima que: It is a shame that Es posible que: It is possible that...

Si pudiera, lo haría: If I could, I would ... Agradecer: to be grateful/thankful Sentirse mal: to feel bad/sorry

iglesia: church Leer a los niños: to read to the children envolver: to wrap (cajas: boxes)

gift: regalos donaciones: donations

Grammar hints for sentences (helpful for level 2&3):

-CAR/ZAR/-GAR (yo tense in preterite)

Buscar- to look for

Empezar - to begin

Comenzar- to commence

llegar - to arrive

jugar- to play sports

tocar - to play instruments

Irregular verbs (preterite/present):

Hacer - to make / to do

Traer - to bring

dar: to give

ver: to see

ser: to be

ir: to be

querer: to want

poder: to be able

poner: to put

gustarse: to like (conjugate to he/they only)

encantarse : to love (conjugat to he/they only)

importarse: to be important to oneself (conjugate to he/they only)

Stem-changing (present/preterite):

sentirse - to feel (bad/good)

leer - to read

preferir: (e-i) to prefer

dormir: (o-ue) to sleep

vestirse (e-i) to dress oneself

Regular verbs

Merecer: to deserve

Agradecer: to be thankful

Necesitar: to need

envolver: to wrap (presents)

donar: to donate

recibir: to receive

enseñar: to teach

cepillarse: to brush oneself

caminar: to walk

correr: to run

ayudar: to help

demostrar: to demonstrate

Craft component of Winter Days Project (Level 1 alternative)

I. Research questions from above plus...

II. Create Little people out of large cardboard paper in class. The person must have represent a Spanish speaking country's folkloric outfit. The country will be selected or issued by the teacher. The outfit must be approved before drawing begins. The back of the little person must have facts about that country including poverty rates and how can poverty be conditions could be changed, are there programs in US to aid these countries poverty conditions. The little person must include the followings:

1. Head piece, hat, hair 3pts

2. Feet with shoes 3pts

3. hands in order to hold hands 3pts

4. outffit (top & bottom) 20pts

5. Sash with country name 5pts

6. Country Flag 5pts

7. to be cut out 3pts

8. Size requuirement 15-18" 3pts

TOTAL POINTS 45pts (deduct 10pts for each day late)

III. Community service &/Donations:: As per descriptions above

Spanish Service Learning Project

Semester 2 (not in co-ordination with Winter Days)

20 Sentences in the preterite tense (Mastering all 4 types (2.5 each) for total of 10 points)

- regular

- irregular

- -car, -gar, -zar

- stem changing verbs

Using a variety of verbs, duplicate verb will not earn you credit

3 pts for correct structured sentence ( 1 pt for incorrect sentence)

Must Be typed and numbered

CONTENT: 4 hrs of community service proof (5 pts each)

- recommendations

- tutoring level 1 students

- participating in any comm. Project

Jan- June

3 pts x 20 sentences = 60 pts

5 pts x 4 hrs= 20 pts

12 font, numbers, new times roman font, Typed = 5 pts

Name, Title, double spaced, numbered sentences = 5 pts

4 concepts of preterite = 10 pts

Total = 100 pts

RUBRIC= total 100 points











sentence structure (1 or 3 per sentences)



4 types of verbs






Community service activities done by students in the past include:

- Aiding teachers or administrators in coordinating school functions

- Boyscotts or girlscout

- Harvest Hope Food Bank, etc

- Pennies for Pasta

- Haiti Relief

- Breast Cancer Walk

- March Dimes Walk

- Relay for Life

- Heart Awareness Walk

- Habitat For Humanity/Souper Bowl of Caring

REMEMBER SVH HONOR CODE: No credit will be given for a sentence that the student can not explain its structure and content.

Word Bank:

ayudar a : to help . . . (homeless: la gente sin hogares / elderly: los ancianos, los viejos/ children: los niños/ los pobres: poor people ) Ser un buen ciudadano: To be a good citizen. los necesitados: the needy

donar: to donate . . . (sangre: blood / ropa: clothing / juguetes: toys/ can goods: comida en latas/ peluche:stuff animal)

. . . (mantas: blanket/ libros: book/ pantalones: pants / acesorios higenicos: toiletries )

trabajar de voluntario: to work as a volunteer) amar: to love juntar fondos: to collect funds

Winter days : Días de Invierno Penny war: Guerra de Centavos participar: to participate

Hacer un esfuerzo: to make the effort Colaborar con: to collaborate with Asistir: to assist

Traer: to bring Luchar contra: to fight against Percentage/rate: por ciento

(hambre: hunger / pobreza: poverty)

Cuidar: to take care of minuvalidos: handicapped. Enfermos: sick people

Dar de comer: to give to eat tiempo: time el comedor de beneficio: soup kitchen

El centro de la comunidad: community center El centro de rehabilitación: rehabilitation center.

suplicar: to ask politely Rogar: to beg Ser buen ciudadano: to be a good citizen

Es importante que: It is important that Es una lástima que: It is a shame that Es posible que: It is possible that...

Si pudiera, lo haría: If I could, I would ... Agradecer: to be grateful/thankful Sentirse mal: to feel bad/sorry

iglesia: church Leer a los niños: to read to the children envolver: to wrap (cajas: boxes)

gift: regalos donaciones: donations cariño: love/care

Ser una buena experiencia gente con necesidades: people in need Querer ayudar: wanted to help


Buscar- to look for

Empezar - to begin

Comenzar- to commence

llegar - to arrive

jugar- to play sports

tocar - to play instruments

Irregular verbs:

Hacer - to make / to do

Traer - to bring

dar: to give

ver: to see

ser: to be

ir: to be

querer: to want

poder: to be able

poner: to put

gustarse: to like (conjugate to he/they only)

encantarse : to love (conjugat to he/they only)

importarse: to be important to oneself (conjugate to he/they only)


sentirse - to feel (bad/good)

leer - to read

preferir: (e-i) to prefer

dormir: (o-ue) to sleep

vestirse (e-i) to dress oneself

Regular verbs

Merecer: to deserve

Agradecer: to be thankful

Necesitar: to need

envolver: to wrap (presents)

donar: to donate

recibir: to receive

enseñar: to teach

cepillarse: to brush oneself

caminar: to walk

correr: to run

ayudar: to help

demostrar: to demonstrate