chapter 1A


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Objectives of ch1A: Read, listen to, and understand information about activities people like and do not like to do.

Standards: 1.1,1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2,3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2

L1c1A art Picasso Open L1c1A art Picasso (Presentation embedded below)

Student will identify Pablo Picasso's work and give facts of the artist and discuss the difference among his art pieces.

Appreciate Art and artist of Spanish background.

Vocabulary: p46 regarding extracurricular activities.

p25-32 guided workbook.

p27&29 go-online,

p27&29 mas practica.

ch1A vocabulary videohistoria p 28. Vocabulary activities on CD-Rom.

Reading p26-29 textbook.

Ch1A QUIA Vocabulary Quiz

Infinitives (1A p.32-33), p32 activity 9, 10, p33 activity 11, p33 go-online, p33 mas practica, p33 guided wkbk (click on link) & p25-33 guided wkbk (vocabulary flashcards)

Infinitive verbs.pptx Open Infinitive verbs.pptx (Presentation embedded below)

Infinitive verb practice (Presentation embedded below)

Objectives: talk about activities, say what you like and do not like to do, ask others what they like to do, learn about infinitives and negative statements. 1.1,1.2,1.3

L1c1A gustar Open L1c1A gustar (Presentation embedded below)

Practice: p33 go-online , p33 mas practica, p33 guided workbook, p15 WAV workbook, p32 act 9-10.

Student will be able to say and spell correctly: I like it/them, you like it/them, (s)he likes it/them, we like it/them, you all like it/them, they like it/them.

Student should use 4 parts of the sentence structure, for example: For me, I like the pants.

L1c1A affirmative&negative words Open L1c1A affirmative&negative words (Presentation embedded below)

Dances: students should be able to identify each of the five dances and give some facts about its origin & style.

Practice: p35 audio clips and reading, may use to create e-graphic organizer about these dances. Must give 5 facts about each dance and be able to differentiate among them in the future.

L1c1A musica Salsa Open L1c1A musica Salsa (Presentation embedded below)

L1c1A musica Merengue Open L1c1A musica Merengue (Presentation embedded below)

L1c1A musica Mambo Open L1c1A musica Mambo (Presentation embedded below)

L1c1A musica Flamenco.ppt Open L1c1A musica Flamenco.ppt (Presentation embedded below)

L1c1A musica cumbia Open L1c1A musica cumbia (Presentation embedded below

musica Tango.ppt Open musica Tango.ppt (Presentation embedded below)

Negatives p36 textbook with GramActiva video in the e-book

Practice: p37 go-online, p37 mas practica, p34-35 guided workbook, p16 WAV workbook. p36 activity 15 of textbook

Expressing Agreements or disagreement p38 Textbook.

practice: p38 go-online, p38 mas practica, p36 guided workbook.

Reading on p40-41 with p37 guided workbook or p41 go-online practice

p42 reading about dancing

p43 oral presentation write 5 sentences x 2 points each = 10 points about likes/dislikes

Culture p44-45 reading about Spain. Write 1 summary sentence in English for each paragraph or complete the following questions.

1. What were possible languages spoken in the Spanish empire, when it covered Italy, Netherlands, Americas, Caribean, Phillipines and colonies in Africa?

2. If Spain was part of the Roman Empire, how is Latin related to Spanish?

3. What is another name for Spanish Language in Spain?

4. Are the customs of USA closest to Greek, Roman/Moors, and Why?

5. What would we call a location like El Buen Retiro in the USA?

6. What was the purpose of Alhambra prior to 1492?

7. What was the purpose of Alhambra after 1492?

8.What does the curve of the museum building represent about the harbor of Bilboa?

chapter review p46-47 textbook. p47 go-online, MindQuiz game.

ch1A pruebas

Chapter ASSESSMENT ch 1A

Infinitive verbs.pptx
Infinitive verbs
L1c1A gustar
L1c1A affirmative&negative words
L1c1A musica Tango.ppt
L1c1A musica Salsa
L1c1A musica Mambo
L1c1A musica Flamenco.ppt
L1c1A musica cumbia
L1c1A L2c4A art Picasso
L1c1A musica Merengue