Zones of Regulation
Zones of regulation
Within Redgate, we recognise and value the importance of promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing to our children and their families, and so we aim to create an open culture around the discussion of mental health and wellbeing, which empowers our children be able to regulate their emotions. By implementing the Zones of Regulation framework we aim to teach our children to identify emotions in themselves and others and provide them with bank of strategies to help regulate their emotions and improve their overall wellbeing.
The Zones of Regulation support our children to develop skills in the area of self-regulation. Self-regulation can go by many names, such as self-control, self-management and impulse control. It is defined as the best state of alertness of both the body and emotions for the specific situation. For example, when your child plays in a football match, it is beneficial to have a higher state of alertness. However, that same heightened state would not be appropriate in the library or within a classroom environment.
The Zones of Regulation is a framework based around the use of four colours to help children self-identify how they’re feeling and then categorise it based on colour. The Zones also help children better understand their emotions, sensory needs and thinking patterns. The children learn different strategies to self-regulate and manage their emotions based on which colour zone they’re in. Additionally, the Zones of Regulation helps children to recognise their own triggers, learn to read facial expressions, develop problem-solving skills, and become more attuned to how their actions affect other people.
Developing the children's ability to self-regulate will ultimately also support their readiness to learn.
Why use the zones of regulation at home?
It supports the use of a consistent shared language to discuss emotions together.
They are simple for children to understand.
It supports children to label emotions and identify how they are feeling.
It helps children to understand that there are no bad emotions.
Children learn healthy self-regulation strategies which allow them to, eventually help themselves when they lose control of their emotions, become stressed, anxious or sad.
Typically, children who can self-regulate will turn into teens and young adults who can self-regulate.
Understanding the emotions of others helps with empathy and friendship skills.
What is the Blue Zone?
The blue zone is used when a person is feeling low states of alertness or arousal.
When you’re in the blue zone you may be feeling down – sad, sick, tired, or bored. You’re still in control, as you are in the yellow zone, but with low energy emotions.
How might your child be feeling in the Blue Zone?
How might your child behave in the Blue Zone?
absence of feelings
lack of pleasure
lack of motivation
difficulty in concentrating
Which co-regulation strategies do we implement in school?
Alerting sensory breaks
Reflecting on what makes us happy
Talking to our teachers and friends
What strategies can you use at home?
Listen to upbeat music
Complete some cardio based exercise
Get up, get showered and get dressed
Jump on a trampoline
Talk to a friend
Do something creative
Cuddle or play with pets.
Go for a walk
Plan a fun activity
Look through old photographs or snap some new ones.
Re-watch a funny or inspiring YouTube video.
What is the Green Zone?
The green zone is used to describe when you’re in a calm state of alertness.
Being in the green zone means you are calm, focused, happy, or ready to learn. This is predominantly the state you want your child to be in. It’s also the state most needed in the classroom in order to learn.
How might your child be feeling in the Green Zone?
ready to learn
How might your child behave in the Green Zone?
What strategies do we implement in school to keep children in the Green Zone?
Implement daily sensory breaks
Sensory areas on the playground
Regular sensory breaks
Celebrate Mental Health focused days throughout the school year
PSHE lessons
Mindfulness activities
Encourage a healthy lifestyle
Teach children how to keep fit
What strategies can you use at home?
Self-care- treat yourself to a relaxing bath or night off homework
Organise your clothes for school the night before to prevent stress
Spend time with your friends and family
Take time out to do something you love to do
Eat healthy and nutritious food
Drink plenty of water
Get 8 hours+ sleep
What is the Yellow Zone?
The yellow zone describes when you have a heightened sense of alertness.
This isn’t always a bad thing, and you typically still have some control when you’re in the yellow zone. Being in the yellow means you may feel frustrated, anxious or nervous. But, it could also mean you’re feeling excited, silly, or hyper – which is okay in the right situations.
How might your child be feeling in the Yellow Zone?
not ready to learn
How might your child behave in the Yellow Zone?
Avoiding situations
Avoiding social settings
Biting nails
Sleeping issues
Struggling to concentrate
What co-regulation strategies do we implement in school?
Breathing strategies
time in The Burrow (sensory room)
What strategies can you use at home?
Breathing techniques
Take time out
Relaxing exercises e.g. yoga/ stretches
Keep a journal
Make a worry monster
Listening to calming music
What is the Red Zone?
The red zone describes an extremely heightened state of intense emotions. When a person reaches the red zone, they’re no longer about to control their emotions or reactions.
This is the zone children are in during periods of crisis. Being in the red zone means you’re feeling anger, rage, terror, or complete devastation and feel out of control.
How might your child be feeling in the Red Zone?
out of control
How might your child behave in the Red Zone?
Excessive outbursts
Acting dangerously
Lack of control
Go into flight mode - running off
What co-regulation strategies do we implement in school?
Take time out
use reduced language
Use a stress ball
Time to talk through our thoughts, feelings and behaviours
Breathing strategies
time in the burrow (sensory room)
offer sensory feedback - squeeze machine, weighted blankets etc
What strategies can you use at home?
Talk to an adult
Hug a teddy
Pop bubble wrap
Wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze
Write down what’s bothering you and rip it up
Squeeze a stress ball
Talk about it
Scribble on paper and crumple it up
Use breathing techniques
Do stretches
Listen to calming music
Take time out
Use sensory glitter jars
How to use the zones to co-regulate with your child
Talk through the zones with your child - ask them how they would feel in each zone?
Discuss what emotion they feel in each zone e.g. in the yellow zone I may feel worried
How they physically feel e.g. in yellow zone I may have butterflies in my stomach or have sweaty palms (if feeling anxious).
Then discuss what might they be doing- what be their actions e.g. in yellow zone would they be pacing around, snapping at others, fidgeting?
Then discuss how to help them move into the Green zone e.g. if I was in te Yellow zone and feeling anxious I might find competing some yoga stretches/ breathing techniques helps me get back into the green zone.
Create a list of strategies that work for the child- Remind the child that we are all unique and the strategies that work for one person might not help them so they need to think about what would help them.
Remind them that we will experience all zones and there are no good or bad zones- however our success in regulating our emotions depends on us recognising our emotion, understanding it and putting a support strategy in place.
Talk to your child about how they are feeling, help them to label and name their emotion. Identify your own feelings using Zones language in front of your child (e.g. “I’m frustrated, I am in the yellow zone”)
Talk about their body cues when they feel that emotion. What are the physical feelings behind the emotion (e.g feeling butterflies in our tummy when we feel nervous or worried.) Recognising emotions is the first step to regulating them.
Here are some examples from the four zones:
Blue- I can see and hear that you are crying, your mouth is turned down, are you feeling sad?
Green- I can see your big smile and hear your laughter, are you feeling happy?
Yellow- You have become very quiet and I can see that you are reluctant to speak, are you feeling worried?
Red- I can hear that you are breathing heavily and I can see that your eyebrows have bunched together, are you feeling angry?
Discuss why they are feeling a certain way, has anything happened?
Talk about times when you, a family member or a character from a film or book felt that way.