Welcome to @Y1Redgate

In Year one:





We are SAFE

Welcome to year 1 

The class teacher is Miss Jones and she is supported by Mrs Davis, Miss Parker and Miss Canning. 

Our day begins at 8.45am and we finish at 3.15pm. 

The children do PE on Tuesdays and can therefore come into school in their PE kits. 

Children in year 1 are entitled to free school meals or if they wish they can bring a packed lunch. They can also have a piece of fruit for their snack which they are also entitled to but if they wish they can bring in a healthy snack from home. 

Year 1 welcome letter

our Curriculum 

Year 1 LTP 2022-2023.docx

Our Rules for Positive Behaviour

Mr Potato Head rules with golden rule.pdf

we learn

we collaborate 

we nuture 

we grow

we are safe  

Websites you can access at home to support learning

Phonics screening check

What is the phonics screening check?

The phonics screening check will be constructed of 20 real words and 20 pseudo-words. The pseudo-words provide the purest assessment of phonic decoding because they will be new to all children, and so there will be no unintended bias based on visual memory of words or vocabulary knowledge.

For more information please follow this link.