SEND Information for Parents


Here at Redgate we understand and value the importance of working in collaboration with our families to ensure the best outcomes for our children. This is especially important for our families of children with special educational needs, and so one of our main aims within our SEN department is to support families in anyway we can.

One of the ways we do this is through our regular family support meetings. These meetings take place every half term and are planned in order to offer a range of information and support to families.

Previous meetings have included:

Information regarding support for families from SENDIASS and our local Parent carer support forum.

Advice from professionals such as the Educational Psychologist, school nurse, Autism and Learning Disability Acute Liason Team at Alder Hey Children's Hospital and physiotherapist.

Parent and Family Support

Supporting our families is a very important part of the work we do across our Redgate Community. Please feel free to explore the following links to various services which you can access for support.

Sefton Parent Carer Forum 

What we offer

We run workshops, information days and one day special events on a regular basis throughout the year.

Provide regular information to help increase parental knowledge via social media.

We hold regular coffee mornings and craft sessions across Sefton where parents can meet, chat and get support.

We attend meetings, forums and workshops to make sure parent carers’ voices and children’s needs are being heard at all levels within health, education and social care services.

Sefton's Local Offer 

The Local Offer provides clear and accessible information about the provision Sefton Council expects to be available locally for our children and young people from 0 to 25 who have special educational needs and/or disability (SEND). 

Carers Trust 

Sefton Carers Centre provides free advice and guidance, emotional and practical support, training and a range of holistic therapies for unpaid carers living in Sefton.


Financial Support for families of children with SEND.


Speech and Language UK gives parents/carers and practitioners the information they need to help children develop their speaking and understanding skills. If a child has difficulty with speaking, they may need help, or they may struggle in nursery or school. With the right help, they can develop the skills they need. 


The Family Fund provides grants for a wide range of items, such as washing machines, sensory toys, family breaks, bedding, tablets, furniture, outdoor play equipment, clothing and computers. It can be a struggle financially, emotionally and physically for families raising a disabled or seriously ill child, and these grants help break down many of the barriers families face, improving their quality of life and easing the additional daily pressures. 


Family Action offer support for families of children with Special Educational Needs

ADDvanced Solutions

ADDvanced Solutions Community Network encourages, equips and empowers children, young people and their families living with neurodevelopmental conditions, specific learning difficulties and associated mental health needs.