Welcome to Foxes!

We are the Foxes, and we are a mixed class of KS2 children in The Pines. There are ten of us in Foxes who are supported by Mr Gittins alongside our wonderful support team Miss Aindow, Mrs McCormack, Mrs Byrne and Miss McDonald.

Please enjoy our class page which will give you an insight into what our exciting, and very busy days of learning look like in Foxes.

A day in the life of foxes


In Foxes ..... we are active learners who enjoy exploring a range of activities and taking charge of our own learning! 

We are learning to be independent and safe, especially within our local community - we love to go on regular travel training and explore our locality.

We are becoming skilled scientists, historians, geographers and our technology skills are amazing!!

We love to be on the move, and so our outdoor classroom is the perfect place to explore and meet all of our sensory needs.

Everyday is a new and exciting day of learning and adventures in Foxes!

Thank you for reading all about us, we think we are amazing and so do our staff!

Our outdoor environment

We are very lucky in Foxes to have a large and wonderful outdoor classroom all to ourselves. Our teachers keep the door open all day so that we can make a choice about where we would like to play and learn.

Our outdoor classroom is very important to us as it provides us endless opportunities to practice and learn lots of new physical skills. It also gives us the opportunity to explore and learn about the world around us as well as allowing us to explore our learning on a much larger and messier scale than we would indoors.

Our outdoor classroon also supports our mental health and well being by enabling us to be outside in the fresh air, being physical and giving us a space which can support our sensory and self regulation needs.

We are very lucky to have swings and ramp access to support all of our learners.

Our indoor environment

Our Foxes indoor classroom has a number of spaces where we can access continuous provision independently, as well as with the support of our teachers throughout the day. These areas include; a creative area, a large painting easel, role play, construction and small world, malleable, group card and board games, as well as sensory play and of course our cosy reading space. All of the learning spaces within our classroom are enhanced with lots of lovely story books and purposeful information books which we love sharing with our teachers and each other.

We use all of our areas throughout the day and our teachers are there to continuously enhance our spaces and provide learning provocations to support and add challenge to our play. Using our classroom in this way and valuing our interests  ensures we feel happy, scaffolds our play skills, helps us to be engaged in our learning and supports our language and communication  development. Using our interests and play as a vehicle for our learning also develops our social and interaction skills as well as developing our independence and life skills.


In Foxes we follow the Equals Formal curriculum pathway. This means that we are supported to engage in a wide range of curriculum areas that allow us to make progress and develop at our own rate. Our wonderful staff support the children using a range of strategies such asl; direct teaching through lessons, direct engagement/teaching during a specific activity, playing with or alongside children, modelling interactions with provocations or others, role play activities, targeted sessions and most importantly, by knowing our children and their targets well. Staff are skilled at using all interactions as purposeful teaching moments and learning experiences for our children. As a team we recognise that children are active learners and leaders in their own education and learning, which empowers both the staff and children. We love working in this play rich and child centered way - being able to observe and reflect upon the steps of progress of each child and their families in Foxes provides the staff with the drive to continuously improve our provision and practice, which in turn ensures the best possible outcomes for our children.

Formal Pathway.pdf

Cultural capital

Having a wide range of real life experiences provides us with great opportunities to understand our world and engage with new activities we may never have tried before.


We love to explore all aspects of English, from early communication to reading and writing, using a thematic approach. Our children are immersed in wealth of language rich opportunities each day.


Independence is at the heart of everything we do. Encouraging the children to make progress through challenge and positive relationships ensures progress for all.


Mathematics is in all we do. The children love to problem solve and enjoy reasoning their understanding as they work independently and in groups. 

Outdoor learning

Outdoor schooling provides us with such a wide range of experiences that support us in our independence. We particularly love travel training around our local area. 

Physical wellbeing

Physical Wellbeing is an aspect of our curriculum we love. We are learning to recognise that moving our bodies is beneficial for both our physical and mental wellbeing.

Play and leisure

Play and leisure provides us with vital time to explore our world through sensory means and play rich experiences and opportunities. 

The World About US

This area of our curriculum allows us to follow our interests, as well as gain new knowledge and skills that relates to science, geography, history, Art, DT and music. 

Home learning

Come and join us in our virtual classroom for some fun and learning at home!

Foxes Virtual Classroom Jan 2021