Welcome to Woodpeckers!
We are the Woodpeckers, and we are a mixed class of KS1 and KS2. There are eleven of us in Woodpeckers who are supported by Miss Armstrong alongside our wonderful support team Miss Miller, Miss O'Brien, Miss Black, Miss Mary and Miss Houlgrave.
We are extremely active learners who enjoy exploring a range of activities and taking charge of our own learning!
We also learn best when we are playing and exploring within our lovely outdoor classroom.
In Woodpeckers we are learning how to build strong relationships with others, become resilient learners and work together as a team. We are strong, independent and passionate in all we do and focus heavily on our growth mindset, self regulation and mental wellbeing.
Everyday is a new and exciting day full of learning and lively adventures in Woodpeckers!
Please enjoy our class page which will give you an insight into what our exciting, and very busy days of learning look like in Woodpeckers.
Our Environment
Our Indoor Environment
Our Outdoor Environment
Our Semi-Formal Pathway
In Woodpeckers ..... we like to sing, dance and move around as much as possible while we are learning and listening!
Our adults use the semi-formal curriculum to help guide us in our learning. We enjoy group sessions as well as exploring through play, with our adults to shape and support us.
We love having visuals to support our learning. It helps us to engage, process and understand, in a wide range of contexts. Our staff use a range of supportive visuals that include symbols, social stories, pictures and Makaton signing/actions.
We love it when adults are clear and concise, using visuals to support information they share with us. We like freedom to learn and change our plans, but also enjoy routine, as we like to know what's happening next.
Thank you for reading all about us, we think we are amazing and so do our staff!