
National Curriculum Key Stage One and Two


Our Vision

This is our vision for Science. Above all, we want to show pupils that Science is relevant to their lives, no matter what their starting point might be. 

Science Vision

Our Principles

These principles underpin our vision and were created through a whole-school collaboration on discussing ‘What makes Science oustanding?’  They tie into our Redgate Values and are present throughout Science teaching and learning.

Principles of Science

Science Curriculum Policy

This policy was recently updated to reflect the new and exciting changes for the 2023/24 academic year. It introduces our 'Three Cs' approach (Contextualise, Capture, Capitalise). 

Copy of Science Policy 2024 .docx

Science Investigation Policy

This policy outlines how we perform investigations at Redgate in a Plan, Do, Review cycle.

Science Investigation Policy 2024


Big ideas and concepts of Science

We learn through P.R.O.B.E

Inspired by the resources from the Primary Science Teaching Trust, we created our P.R.O.B.E posters that you will find on display in every classroom.

P.R.O.B.E is the stimulus for all of our lessons. Whether it is learning the theory or putting it into practice, each lesson is linked to one of the five strands of scientific enquiry. 

Our Knowledge

Every topic that pupils experience at Redgate comes with its own 'Knowledge Organiser' that prompts, supports and organises the key information and vocabulary that pupils will cover during their learning. 

year one

Year One

year two

Year Two

year three

Year Three

year four

Year Four

year five

Year Five

year six

Year Six


It is our absolute pleasure to say that the amazing hard work of both staff and pupils has been formally recognised with our achievement of the Primary Science Quality Mark.

To add to this recognition, we have been awarded this Quality Mark at the higher 'Gilt' level.

We were assessed over four areas:

Subject Leadership



Wider Opportunities

Please take a look through our portfolio of evidence that formed part of our submission.

Our E-Bug week was a big success! Pupils learned all about microbes, infection prevention and control, antibiotics and vaccination. 

S.t.e.m Club

Every half term we run a S.T.E.M club to enrich and broaden the curriculum, giving our pupils the chance to explore subjects like Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths in a less formal setting. Vinegar powered balloons, elastic catapults and much more are experienced after the school day ends.

The Journey is not over

Do keep checking in with Science at Redgate Primary School, we are always learning, always collaborating, always growing in Science!

Engaging pupils with science through Reading

Picture books can provide an excellent way of engaging pupils with Science. Books for Topics have handpicked a selection of the best STEM-themed stories that open opportunities for you to explore a range of Scientific concepts with your child. Visit the link below for more information or to purchase one of the recommended books.