class four

Welcome to @Y4Redgate

In Y4:





We are SAFE

Welcome to Year Four. Our teachers are Miss stratton and miss feehan and we are supported in class by miss costello and mr foulder.

We Learn

In Year Four there are lots of new things to learn, from building amazing sentences, daring ourselves with Science or even just having a good old fashioned dance to learn our times tables.

This year our curriculum is broader than ever! We have adapted recipes in Design and Technology, learned some lovely Latin and even explored the mysteries of The Willow Pattern story in Art.

Copy of Collaborative Work

We Collaborate

Collaboration is one of our most cherished values in Year Four. 

One day, we might collaborate in our classwork using a range of Computing software. The next day, it may be helping our superstar Pines pupils access our learning. 

Above all, we always follow our Golden Rule: Treat others as you wish to be treated.

We Nurture

Care? Protection? In Year Four we have lots going on that show just what a caring part of the community we are. 

Year Four remember what its like to be the smallest pupils on the big yard, so we make it our top priority to take care of those younger than ourselves. 

We Grow

At Redgate, our curriculum always builds upon previous learning and in Year Four this is especially important as they prepare to enter Upper Key Stage Two.  Growing their substantive and disciplinary knowledge, Year Four are stretched to achieve their full potential. 

We are safe

Safety for Year Four comes in all shapes and sizes. Whether its being safe on the playground, online or even when taking part in P.E . Ask anyone in Year Four and they will tell you, safety comes first. 

Our Curriculum

Redgate Year 4 Long Term Plan 2022-2023

The Multiplication Check 

Do check out the link on the left to get an overview of the expectations regarding the government multiplication check at the end of Year Four.

Whole School Rules For Positive Behaviour

Mr Potato Head rules with golden rule.pdf