Special Educational needs and Disabilities
Redgate Community Primary School recognises every child’s right to a broad and balanced education, which gives them the opportunity to flourish through realising their full potential and making progress.
We are committed to providing full access to the curriculum by ensuring high quality teaching and differentiation to meet individual needs and to address underachievement.
We believe in equality of opportunity and we aim to create a supportive, stimulating and challenging environment that values difference and recognises the achievements of all children.
Where a pupil is identified as having additional needs we will take action to remove those barriers to their learning and to work in partnership with their parents/carers and children as part of this approach.
We recognise our duty to make arrangements to support pupils with medical conditions and to deliver their provision in a co-ordinated way in individual health care plans.
Our school welcomes all children including children who have specific SEND: we are committed to inclusion and aim to provide equality of opportunity for all pupils.
The school has a team of two Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinators (SENDCOs).
Miss B. Kiernan - SENDCo
Miss L. Dean - Assistant Head, Pines Lead Teacher and Assistant SENDCo
Mrs S. Garrity - Assistant Head, Pines Teacher, SENDCo (p/t)
The team can be contacted via
Tel: 01704 828140
email: kiernanb@redgateprimary.com or thepines@redgateprimary.com
Here at Redgate we understand and value the importance of partnerships we share with our families, and so we want to offer as much support as possible. Please follow this link to our family support page.
Whole School SEND in a nutshell information
These charts show the current level of children at Redgate (including The Pines Base and Little Squirrels Nursery) who are either on a SEN Support plan or have an EHCP. The charts also show the spread of needs and compares them with the figures for all primary schools nationally and all schools nationally.