Disability Services

Prairie State College (PSC) is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for enrolled or admitted students with documented disabilities. The Office of Disability Services seeks to maintain academic standards while providing equal access and support services to students who are able to benefit from courses offered by the college, have the commitment to succeed, and have a documented disability. 

Reasonable accommodations are determined on an individual case by case basis to meet the needs presented by the student's disability. Students must submit documentation before accommodations can be provided.  For more information regarding documentation and services, please visit our webpage.

Mission Statement

The Office of Disability Services is committed to providing equal access to all college programs and academic support services to students who have a documented disability and the commitment to succeed. The Office of Disability Services also provides reasonable and appropriate academic accommodations, as well as, promoting independence, success, and self-advocacy. In addition, assistance is given to students to make a successful transition from high school to college. 

Legal Mandates

Post-secondary students with disabilities are guaranteed access to college programs and services by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 .

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