Message from the President

Reflections from President Dr. Michael Anthony

"We can let you in, but we don't have to let you out!"

~ Presenter

First let me say Ramadan Mubarak! Those observing Ramadan are doing so between April 2 - May 2 of 2022. I encourage you to learn more about this important Islamic holy month, and make sure you wish your Muslim colleagues and friends a 'blessed Ramadan.'

During Black History Month back in February I attended this exceptional virtual presentation by faculty in our Nursing program and other invited guests. During that presentation one of the panelist aptly said the quote above. It was so perfect, as it came at the end of describing how much she cared for students and how insistent she was on her students' success. It represented an attitude and energy that says "it's my job to do everything I can to keep you here!" It just stuck with me, and I wanted to share it here. I am so sorry I can't remember who exactly said it - but I'm sure they will remind me when they read this:)

As I've navigated the community college space over the last 10 years, I have always had the feeling that we make it way too easy for students to leave. Students certainly have a right to leave and not complete their goals, but there should be those of us here who say "wait, what can we do to help you stay the course?" We should do this individually but also institutionally. There should be structures in place that ensure we are helping students to really think through their decision to exit. We should do this not because we so desperately need their tuition, but because we care so desperately about them.

Think on that as we continue forward, and maybe we can find more ways to remind students that they can finish, and that we are here to help.