Message from the President

Reflections from President Dr. Michael Anthony

“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.”

~ General Colin Powell

This week our country lost a giant. Gen. Colin Powell died due to complications from COVID-19 at the age of 84. I admired this man so very much. In high school, I was heavily involved in Army JROTC. Having commanded the drill team, color guard, and eventually serving as Cadet Battalion Commander, it was my first foray into leadership as a discipline. I loved it and continue to have an incredible amount of reverence and respect for our military and those who serve. Gen. Powell was a name I knew well through that experience, but also in the years since. His ability to work across party lines, his upbringing as a public college student who rose to the highest ranks of the US Military, and his commitment to family and excellence always stood out to me.

The quote above resonates with me when I think about excellence at Prairie State College. I wonder how we (myself included) can continue to develop habits in the "little matters" that lead to excellence. The little matters such as smiling (with your eyes given our masks) at people on campus or walking with students to where they need to go instead of pointing them there; asking students the questions they should be asking, even if they don't know it; giving grace to a colleague who makes a mistake or has a bad day; making sure our classroom materials and grounds are refreshed and up to date for our students and guests. I wonder how we adopt and hold on to an attitude that breeds excellence amongst all of us, and how we can celebrate those who are doing it. We have incredibly talented people working here, and I know that talent, coupled with excellent habits in the little matters, is what is going to completely transform our campus and help us surpass our highest hopes.

I remain excited as ever to be your President, and hope you have a safe and happy weekend!