
Treating a woman with inequity, indignity, inequality or any kind of discrimination is constitutionally impermissible.

"... let it be stated with certitude and without allowing any room for any kind of equivocation or ambiguity, the perception of any individual or group or organisation or system treating a woman with inequity, indignity, inequality or any kind of discrimination is constitutionally impermissible. The historical perception has to be given a prompt burial. Female foeticide is conceived by the society that definitely includes the parents because of unethical perception of life and nonchalant attitude towards law. The society that treats man and woman with equal dignity shows the reflections of a progressive and civilised society. To think that a woman should think what a man or a society wants her to think tantamounts to slaughtering her choice, and definitely a humiliating act. When freedom of free choice is allowed within constitutional and statutory parameters, others cannot determine the norms as that would amount to acting in derogation of law."

2016 SCeJ 001 Voluntary Health Association of Punjab v. Union of India, 2016(10) SCC 265

"constitutional identity", "freedom of choice", "dignity of a woman" and "affirmative rights conferred on her by the Constitution" cannot be allowed to be abrogated even for a moment.


She has also the equal role in the society i.e. thinking, participating and leadership

"A woman has to be regarded as an equal partner in the life of a man. It has to be borne in mind that she has also the equal role in the society i.e. thinking, participating and leadership. The legislature has brought the present piece of legislation with an intention to provide for prohibition of sex selection before or after conception and for regulation of pre-natal diagnostic techniques for the purposes of detecting genetic abnormalities or metabolic disorders or chromosomal abnormalities or certain congenital malformations or sex-linked disorders and for the prevention of their misuse for sex determination leading to female foeticide. The purpose of the enactment can only be actualised and its object fruitfully realised when the authorities under the Act carry out their functions with devotion, dedication and commitment and further there is awakened awareness with regard to the role of women in a society."

Voluntary Health Association of Punjab v. Union of India and others, , 2016(10) SCC 265

Gender equality in the film industry

Controversy arose about the prevalence of discrimination of gender equality in the film industry where women were not allowed to become make-up artists and only allowed to work as hair-dressers.

Charu Khurana and others v. Union of India and others, 2015(1) SCC 192

"On a condign understanding of clause (e), it is clear as a cloudless sky that all practices derogatory to the dignity of women are to be renounced. Be it stated, dignity is the quintessential quality of a personality and a human frame always desires to live in the mansion of dignity, for it is a highly cherished value."

And again:

"...The sustenance of gender justice is the cultivated achievement of intrinsic human rights. Equality cannot be achieved unless there are equal opportunities and if a woman is debarred at the threshold to enter into the sphere of profession for which she is eligible and qualified, it is well-nigh impossible to conceive of equality. It also clips her capacity to earn her livelihood which affects her individual dignity."

Freedom, independence, constitutional identity, individual choice and thought of a woman, be a wife or sister or daughter or mother, cannot be allowed to be curtailed definitely not by application of physical force or threat or mental cruelty in the name of his self-assumed honour

"One may feel "My honour is my life" but that does not mean sustaining one's honour at the cost of another. Freedom, independence, constitutional identity, individual choice and thought of a woman, be a wife or sister or daughter or mother, cannot be allowed to be curtailed definitely not by application of physical force or threat or mental cruelty in the name of his self-assumed honour. That apart, neither the family members nor the members of the collective has any right to assault the boy chosen by the girl. Her individual choice is her self-respect and creating dent in it is destroying her honour. And to impose so-called brotherly or fatherly honour or class honour by eliminating her choice is a crime of extreme brutality, more so, when it is done under a guise. It is a vice, condemnable and deplorable perception of "honour", comparable to medieval obsessive assertions."

Vikas Yadav v. State of Uttar Pradesh , (2016) 9 SCC 541

Female foeticide

"It needs no special emphasis that a female child is entitled to enjoy equal right that a male child is allowed to have. The constitutional identity of a female child cannot be mortgaged to any kind of social or other concept that has developed or is thought of. It does not allow any room for any kind of compromise. It only permits affirmative steps that are constitutionally postulated. Be it clearly stated that when rights are conferred by the Constitution, it has to be understood that such rights are recognised regard being had to their naturalness and universalism. No one, let it be repeated, no one, endows any right to a female child or, for that matter, to a woman. The question of any kind of condescension or patronisation does not arise."

Voluntary Health Association of Punjab v. Union of India and Ors, 2016(10) SCC 265

Equal pay for equal work to lady stenographers

Court dealt with the principle of applicability of equal pay for equal work to lady stenographers in the same manner as male stenographers. A contention was advanced by the employer that this discrimination between the two categories had been brought out not merely on the ground of sex but the Court found it difficult to agree with the contention and referred to various aspects and, eventually, did not interfere with the judgment of the High Court that had granted equal remuneration to both male and female stenographers .

Mackinnon Mackenzie & Co. Ltd v. Audrey D'costa. [1987] 2 SCC 469

Dignity of woman and her rights and the sanctity of her choice

Family Courts Act, 1984, Section 11 - Transfer of case - Videoconferencing - Dignity of woman and her rights and the sanctity of her choice - When most of the time, a case is filed for transfer relating to matrimonial disputes governed by the 1984 Act, the statutory right of a woman cannot be nullified by taking route to technological advancement and destroying her right under a law, more so, when it relates to family matters. In our considered opinion, dignity of women is sustained and put on a higher pedestal if her choice is respected. That will be in consonance with Article 15(3) of the Constitution.