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Act of God
Advocate - Exemplary Behaviour
Advocate - Role of lawyer
One Sided Agreement
All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969
Allotment of plot
Annual Confidential Reports (ACR)
Appeal against acquittal
Not a party - Appeal
No reasonings by first Appellate court
Apprentices Act, 1961
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
General - Arbitration
Bare act - Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Section 2 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 3 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 4 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 7 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 8 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 9 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 11 - Arbitration
Section 11(6) - Arbitration
Section 12 - Arbitration
Section 16 - Arbitration
Section 37 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 20 - Arbitration
International arbitration
Appearance by the arbitrator himself for one of the parties in Appeal
Enhancement of interest in absence of appeal
Legal representation
Public Policy (Arbitration)
Arrest – Power to arrest
Detention – Power to authorise detention
Anticipatory Bail
Considerations for grant of
Explanation called in terms of Arnesh Kumar
Earlier bail plea declined on similar circumstances - Anticipatory Bail
Anticipatory Bail and Regular Bail - Distinction
Cancellation of bail
COVID 19 - Bail
Default Bail
Difference between cancellation and setting aside of bail order
Setting aside of bail order
Statutory Bail
Repossession - Default - Banking
Bar Council of India
Central Goods and Service Tax Act, 2017
Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
Civil and Criminal Proceedings
A company is a legal entity distinct from its members.
Lifting of the veil - Company
Companies Act
Constitution of India
Writ of Certiorari
Writ of Certiorari - What is
What is the nature of a writ of certiorari.
Article 14 - Constitution
Article 16 - Constitution
Article 21 - Constitution
Right to Life - Art 21
Right to marry a person of choice
Article 136 - Constitution
Article 226 - Constitution
Article 227 - Constitution of India
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Writ Article 227 challenging orders passed under O 1 R 10 CPC
Writ Article 227 challenging orders passed under O 39 R 1
Article 309 - Constitution
Article 311 - Constitution
Subsistence Allowance - Art 311(2)
Article 329 - Constitution
Consumer Protection Act
Consumer protection Act, 1986
Allotment - Delay
Section 13 - CPA, 1986
S. 21 - CPA,86
Consumer protection Act, 2019
Section 38 - CPA, 2019
Contempt of Courts Act, 1971
Section 2 - Contempt of Courts Act
Section 10 _ Contempt of Courts Act
Commentary - Contract
Formation of a Contract
Invitation to Treat
Intention to be legally bound
Capacity - Contract
Formalities and writing requirements - Contract
Contract terms: construction and interpretation
Contractual terms
Third Parties - Contract
Performance - Contract
Defences - Contract
Final Draft
Standard Form of Contract
Contract Act
Section 2 - Contract Act
Section 4 - Contract Act
Section 7 - Contract Act
Section 32- Contract Act
Section 73 - Contract Act
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
Court Fees Act
Section 16 - Court Fees Act
Limitation - Covid19
Compassionate Appointment
CPC (Civil Procedure Code, 1908 )
Provisions in Civil Matters to curtail delay in trial
CPC - Sections
Section 7 - CPC
Section 9 - CPC
Section 11 - CPC
Section 25 - CPC
Section 47 - CPC
Section 64 - CPC
Section 90 - CPC
Section 96 - CPC
Section 100 - CPC
Section 103 - CPC
Section 104 - CPC
Section 115 - CPC
Section 151 - CPC
CPC -Orders and Rules
Order 1 - CPC
Order 1 Rule 1 - CPC
Order 1 Rule 2 - CPC
Scope of Order I Rules 2, 3A and Order II Rule 3 of the CPC
Order 1 Rule 3 - CPC
Order 1 Rule 10 - CPC
Order 1 Rule 10(1) - CPC
Order 1 Rule 10(2) - CPC
Dominus Litis - O1 R 10 CPC
Suo Moto Power - O 1 R 10 CPC
Proper Party - CPC O. 1
Necessary Party - CPC O. 1
Wrong Person - Order 1 - CPC
Non Joinder - Order 1 - CPC
Mis Joinder of Plaintiff - Order 1 - CPC
Order 2
Order 2 Rule 2
Order 2 Rule 3 - CPC
Order 5
Order 6
Order 6 Rule 17
Order 7
Order 7 Rule 11
Order 8
Order 8 Rule 6
Order 8 Rule 6A
Order 9
Order 9 Rule 4
Order 9 Rule 7
Order 9 Rule 13
Sufficient cause - O.9 R. 13
Order 12
Order 12 Rule 6
Order 13
Order 13 Rule 8
Order 14
Order 21
Order 21 Rule 51
O 21 R 2 - CPC
Limitation of several applications during execution
O. 21 R. 54
O.21 R.97
Order 23
Order 23 Rule 3
Order 30 - CPC
Order 39
Order 39 Rule 1
Order 41 - CPC
Order 41 Rule 33 - CPC
Order 41 Rule 31 - CPC
Criminal Jurisprudence
Criminal Trial
Appreciation of Evidence
Child witness
Circumstantial Evidence
Principles - Circumstantial Evidence
Tests - Circumstantal Evidence
A crime never dies
Sentence - Criminal trial
Trial in camera
Transfer of petition
Section 41 - CrPC
Section 125 - CrpC
Speedy Decision - Matrimonial cases - S 125 CrPC
Section 156(3) - CrPC
Executive magistrate can not order for FIR S 156(3) - CrPC
Section 161 - CrPC
Section 167 - CrPC
Section 167(2) - CrPC
Section 173 - CrPC
Section 177 - CrPC
Section 210 - CrPC
Section 228 - CrPC
Section 256 - CrPC
Section 311 - CrPC
Section 357 - CrPC
Section 362 - CrPC
Section 378 - CrPC
Possible View - CrPC S. 378
Section 389 - CrPC
Section 397 - CrPC
Section 397(2) - CrPC
Section 406 - CrPC
Section 437 - CrPC
Section 438 - CrPC
Anticipatory bail by minor
Section 439 - CrPC
Section 446 - CrPC
Section 451 - CrPC
Section 465 - CrPC
Section 477 - CrPC
Section 482
Jurisdiction and Powers
Locus of a third party to challenge the criminal proceedings
Cause of Action
Doctrine of Election
Election of Remedies - Explained (Doctrine of Election)
Doctrine of Parens Patriae
Doctrine of Stare Decisis
East Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act, 1949
S. 13 - East Punjab Rent
S. 13(3)(a) - East Punjab Rent
Rent - Maintainability of an eviction proceeding as framed is altogether in
Statutory Right
Writ (Elections)
Environmental protection goes beyond law suits
Environmental Jurisprudence
Damages - Environment
Environmental Rule of law
Environment Act
Maxims of Equity
Evidence Act
Section 32 - Evidence Act
Section 35 - Evidence Act
Section 65 - Evidence Act
Section 65B - Evidence Act
Section 90 - Evidence Act
Section 92 - Evidence Act
Section 114 - Evidence Act
Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
Section 11 - Employees Provident Fund
Section 11(2) - Employees Provident Fund
Employees Compensation Act
Family Arrangement
Family - Term
Family - Wide connotation
Family - Concept of
Essentials of a family settlement
Object of Family Arrangements
Value of family arrangements
What is a Family Arrangement
Family Courts Act
Female Foeticide
FIR (First Information Report)
Res Judicata - FIR Quashing
Foreign Awards (Recognition and Enforcement) Act, 1961
Forest Act
Civil court jurisdiction - fraud
Conditional Gift
Gift without transfer of possession
Guardians and Wards Act, 1890
Joint Parenting
Father as a Guardian
Section 25 - Guardian and Wards
General Clauses Act
Section 27 - General Clauses Act
Habeas Corpus
Minor - Habeas Corpus
Haryana .......
Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1987
Haryana Municipal Election Rules, 1978
Haryana Public Service Commission
Haryana State Subordinate Accounts (Group `C’) Service Rules, 1982
State Transport Haryana Employees Transfer Policy, 2018,
Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956
Section 18 - Hindu Adoption
Hindu Woman married to a Hindu male having a lawfully wedded wife
Hindu Marriage Act (25 of 1955)
Section 13 - HMA
Section 13(2)(ia) - HMA
Section 13-B(2) - HMA
Permanent Alimony - S. 13 HMA
Section 24 - HMA
Section 28 - HMA
Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956
Hindu Succession Act
Section 14 - Hindu Succession Act
Honour Killing
HUF - Hindu Undivided Family
Indian Administrative Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954
Industrial Disputes Act
Section 25 - Industrial Disputes Act
Insecticides Act, 1968
Section 27 - Insecticides Act
Insolvency and Banking Code, 2016
Section 7 - IBC
Section 8 - IBC
Acts and Notifications (Insurance)
Standard Form Contracts
Delay in intimation
IPC - Indian Penal Code
Section 34 - IPC
Section 84 - IPC
Section 153A - IPC
Sections 302 - IPC
Section 359 - IPC
Section 361 - IPC
Section 366 - IPC
Section 415 - IPC
Section 174 - IPC
Section 417 - IPC
Judicial Process
Judicial reasoning
Judicial Review
Judicial Discipline
Guidelines regarding the pronouncement of judgments - Judicial Discipline
Role of judges
Land Acquisition Act, 1986
Release of enhanced compensation pending appeal - Land Acquisition
S. 32 - Land Acquisition
Concession by Advocate
Legal Right
Rule of Law
Rules and Regulations
administrative instructions can not override statutory provisions/rules/reg
Precedent - Law of Precedent
Precedents: A source of “law” under the Constitution of India
Ratio decidendi : Law of Precedents
Departure : Law of Precedents
Deprecation : Law of Precedents
Reference to larger bench : Law of Precedents
Precedents are not to be read as a statute
Exceptions to binding precedents
Per incuriam : Law of precedents
Per Incuriam in relaxation of the rule of Stare Decisis
Per Incuriam : Judgment Affect
Circumstances destroying or weakening the binding force of precedent
Application of Precedents in criminal cases
Conflicts between Benches : Law of precedents
Legal Doctrines and Principles
De facto Doctrine
Principle of estoppel or acquiescence
Legal Maxims
Aequitas est quasi aequalitas
Aequitas sequitur legem,
Equity - Maxims
Vigilantibus non dormientibus aequitas subvenit.
vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Legislation : When is complete
Rules of Construction - Words and Phrases
Legislation : Rules of construction
Legislation :Language used can be construed to salvage remedial intendment
Limitation Act, 1963
Section 5 - Limitation
Government /State - Section 5 - Limitation
Article 65 - Limitation
Article 54 - Limitation
Live-in Relationship
Main Services Regulations, 1976
Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007
Section 22 - Maintenance and Welfare ....
Section 23 - Maintenance and Welfare ....
Media and Criminal Trial
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
Guidelines for conduct of MACT claims
Section 51 - MVA
Section 100 - MVA, 1988
Section 149 - MVA
S. 149(2)(a) - MVA
Section 166 - MVA
Claims and legal liabilities crystallise at the time of the accident itself
Contributory Negligence - - S 166 MVA
Future Prospects - S 166 MVA
Notional Income - MVA
Gratuitous Passenger - S 166 MVA
Just Compensation - S 166 MVA
Non Earning Victim - Student - S 166 MVA
Pay and Recover - S 166 MVA
Personal Expenses - S 166 MVA
Victim employed but income not proved - S 166 MVA
Negligence - S 166 MVA
Fault of bigger vehicle - S 166 MVA
Two Wheeler - Triple Riding
Section 173 - MVA
Second Schedule - MVA
MSME - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006
S. 19 - MSME
Natural Justice
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
Section 138
138 - Object of
138 - Civil Offence
138 - Evidence
Guarantur - 138
Holder of cheque in due course - Payee - 138
Joint liability to pay debt - 138
Legally Enforceable Debt
Legally Enforceable Debt - Not proved
138 - Quasi Criminal
When does drawing of cheque become complete - 138
Proclaimed Offender - S 138
Section 139
139 - Degree of proof
139 - Presumption
139 - Preponderance of Probabilities
139 - Prudent Man
139 - Reverse onus clause
139 - Direct / Indirect Evidence
Section 141 - NIA
Advocate / Authorised Person - Notice
Refusal - Notice
Not Delivered - Affect - Notice
National Green Tribunal Act
Section 2(1)(m) - NGT
NDPS - Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act
S. 21 - NDPS
Passports Act, 1967
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
Exoneration - Affect - PCA
Quashing - PCA
Section 5 - PCA
Section 7 - PCA
Section 13 - PCA
Section 19 - PCA
Section 20 - PCA
Section 197 - PCA
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
Punjab Civil Services Rules
Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887
Punjab Municipal Act, 1911
Punjab Village Common Lands Regulations Act, 1961 (18 of 1961)
Punjab Land Revenue Manual
East Punjab Utilization of Lands Act, 1949
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
section 7 - PFA
Privileged litigant
PIL - Public Interest Litigation
PC & PNDT (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Rules, 1996
Railways Act, 1989
Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (16 of 2016)
Section 43
Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act , 1993 (RDB Act)
Section 31 (RDB Act)
Registration Act
S. 17 - Registration Act
Rent Act
Lease / Tenancy – Eviction – Arbitration - Arbitrability of the dispute
Leave to Defend
Revenue Terms
Securitisation and Reconstruction (SARFAESI Act)
Section 26D - Sarfaesi
Section 26E (SarfaesI)
Service Matter
Ad hoc appointments
Absence from Duty
Appointment - Service Matter
Compassionate Appointment
Disciplinary Proceedings
Charges - Can not go beyond - Disciplinary proceedings
Doctrine of unreasonableness - Doctrine of proportionality
Evidence - Departmental proceedings
Quasi Judicial - Departmental Proceedings
Reasons to be recorded - Disciplinary Authority
Rules of natural Justice - Disciplinary Authority
Writ - Interference - Disciplinary Proceedings
Main Services Regulations, 1976
Powers of High Court and Tribunals s of facts
Relaxation of Rules
Special Marriage Act, 1954
Section 36 - Special Marriage Act, 1954
Specific performance of contract for sale of immovable property
Change in position (Specific Performance)
Delay (Specific Performance)
Equity (Specific Performance)
Necessary party - (Specific performance)
Specific Relief Act, 1963
Section 19 - Specific Relief Act
Copy of Section 19 - Specific Relief Act
Section 20 - Special Marriage Act, 1954
Section 36 - Specific Relief Act
Injunction without relief for declaration - Suit for
Specific Performance - Suit for
co Sharer - Specific performance
Conduct - Specific Performance
Delay and Laches - Specific Performance
Limitation - Specific performance
Necessary party - Specific performance
NO bona fides - Specific Performance
Price escalation - Specific performance
Ready and Willingness - Specific Performance
Title - Suit for Declaration of Title
Stamp Act, 1899
Article 23 - Stamp Act
Section 35 - Stamp Act
Section 38 - Stamp Act
Stare Decisis
Interpretation of Statutes
Prospective or Retrospective
Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Rules 2019
Commercial Considerations - Tender
Courts power of review - tender
What is Experience - Tender
Classification between proprietary and partnership firm arbitrary
Investment partner - Tender
Past experience of partners - Tender
Ratio based on Investment and Profit sharing in a Joint venture - Tender
Reliance on technical qualification of a 3rd party - Tender
Whether Sole Proprietorship could claim experience of a Joint Venture
Interpretation, construction of Tenders
Court should not ascribe superfluity to the language of a document
Party issuing has the right to enforce the terms of the tender
Owner is best person to interpret the tender conditions
Owner should be allowed to carry out the purpose of the tender
Judicial review in Tenders
Judicial restraint in administrative action - Contract
Technical Evaluation would be impermissible - Tender
Transfer of Property Act, 1882
Section 10 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 13 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 20 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 41 - TPA
Section 52 - TPA
Section 53-A - TPA
Section 114 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 122 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 126 - TPA
Technology and Law
Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967
Word and Phrases
Contra perfentum
Good Faith
Latin Terms
Legal Doctrines and Principles
Malum prohibitum
Mistake of Law in Mala Prohibita Crimes
May and Shall
Revenue Terms
Units of Measurement
He who seeks equity must do equity.
Approbrate and reprobate
Will - Principles while undertaking the construction of a will
Will - Conflict between two clauses of a Will
Act of God
Advocate - Exemplary Behaviour
Advocate - Role of lawyer
One Sided Agreement
All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969
Allotment of plot
Annual Confidential Reports (ACR)
Appeal against acquittal
Not a party - Appeal
No reasonings by first Appellate court
Apprentices Act, 1961
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
General - Arbitration
Bare act - Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Section 2 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 3 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 4 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 7 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 8 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 9 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 11 - Arbitration
Section 11(6) - Arbitration
Section 12 - Arbitration
Section 16 - Arbitration
Section 37 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 20 - Arbitration
International arbitration
Appearance by the arbitrator himself for one of the parties in Appeal
Enhancement of interest in absence of appeal
Legal representation
Public Policy (Arbitration)
Arrest – Power to arrest
Detention – Power to authorise detention
Anticipatory Bail
Considerations for grant of
Explanation called in terms of Arnesh Kumar
Earlier bail plea declined on similar circumstances - Anticipatory Bail
Anticipatory Bail and Regular Bail - Distinction
Cancellation of bail
COVID 19 - Bail
Default Bail
Difference between cancellation and setting aside of bail order
Setting aside of bail order
Statutory Bail
Repossession - Default - Banking
Bar Council of India
Central Goods and Service Tax Act, 2017
Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
Civil and Criminal Proceedings
A company is a legal entity distinct from its members.
Lifting of the veil - Company
Companies Act
Constitution of India
Writ of Certiorari
Writ of Certiorari - What is
What is the nature of a writ of certiorari.
Article 14 - Constitution
Article 16 - Constitution
Article 21 - Constitution
Right to Life - Art 21
Right to marry a person of choice
Article 136 - Constitution
Article 226 - Constitution
Article 227 - Constitution of India
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Writ Article 227 challenging orders passed under O 1 R 10 CPC
Writ Article 227 challenging orders passed under O 39 R 1
Article 309 - Constitution
Article 311 - Constitution
Subsistence Allowance - Art 311(2)
Article 329 - Constitution
Consumer Protection Act
Consumer protection Act, 1986
Allotment - Delay
Section 13 - CPA, 1986
S. 21 - CPA,86
Consumer protection Act, 2019
Section 38 - CPA, 2019
Contempt of Courts Act, 1971
Section 2 - Contempt of Courts Act
Section 10 _ Contempt of Courts Act
Commentary - Contract
Formation of a Contract
Invitation to Treat
Intention to be legally bound
Capacity - Contract
Formalities and writing requirements - Contract
Contract terms: construction and interpretation
Contractual terms
Third Parties - Contract
Performance - Contract
Defences - Contract
Final Draft
Standard Form of Contract
Contract Act
Section 2 - Contract Act
Section 4 - Contract Act
Section 7 - Contract Act
Section 32- Contract Act
Section 73 - Contract Act
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
Court Fees Act
Section 16 - Court Fees Act
Limitation - Covid19
Compassionate Appointment
CPC (Civil Procedure Code, 1908 )
Provisions in Civil Matters to curtail delay in trial
CPC - Sections
Section 7 - CPC
Section 9 - CPC
Section 11 - CPC
Section 25 - CPC
Section 47 - CPC
Section 64 - CPC
Section 90 - CPC
Section 96 - CPC
Section 100 - CPC
Section 103 - CPC
Section 104 - CPC
Section 115 - CPC
Section 151 - CPC
CPC -Orders and Rules
Order 1 - CPC
Order 1 Rule 1 - CPC
Order 1 Rule 2 - CPC
Scope of Order I Rules 2, 3A and Order II Rule 3 of the CPC
Order 1 Rule 3 - CPC
Order 1 Rule 10 - CPC
Order 1 Rule 10(1) - CPC
Order 1 Rule 10(2) - CPC
Dominus Litis - O1 R 10 CPC
Suo Moto Power - O 1 R 10 CPC
Proper Party - CPC O. 1
Necessary Party - CPC O. 1
Wrong Person - Order 1 - CPC
Non Joinder - Order 1 - CPC
Mis Joinder of Plaintiff - Order 1 - CPC
Order 2
Order 2 Rule 2
Order 2 Rule 3 - CPC
Order 5
Order 6
Order 6 Rule 17
Order 7
Order 7 Rule 11
Order 8
Order 8 Rule 6
Order 8 Rule 6A
Order 9
Order 9 Rule 4
Order 9 Rule 7
Order 9 Rule 13
Sufficient cause - O.9 R. 13
Order 12
Order 12 Rule 6
Order 13
Order 13 Rule 8
Order 14
Order 21
Order 21 Rule 51
O 21 R 2 - CPC
Limitation of several applications during execution
O. 21 R. 54
O.21 R.97
Order 23
Order 23 Rule 3
Order 30 - CPC
Order 39
Order 39 Rule 1
Order 41 - CPC
Order 41 Rule 33 - CPC
Order 41 Rule 31 - CPC
Criminal Jurisprudence
Criminal Trial
Appreciation of Evidence
Child witness
Circumstantial Evidence
Principles - Circumstantial Evidence
Tests - Circumstantal Evidence
A crime never dies
Sentence - Criminal trial
Trial in camera
Transfer of petition
Section 41 - CrPC
Section 125 - CrpC
Speedy Decision - Matrimonial cases - S 125 CrPC
Section 156(3) - CrPC
Executive magistrate can not order for FIR S 156(3) - CrPC
Section 161 - CrPC
Section 167 - CrPC
Section 167(2) - CrPC
Section 173 - CrPC
Section 177 - CrPC
Section 210 - CrPC
Section 228 - CrPC
Section 256 - CrPC
Section 311 - CrPC
Section 357 - CrPC
Section 362 - CrPC
Section 378 - CrPC
Possible View - CrPC S. 378
Section 389 - CrPC
Section 397 - CrPC
Section 397(2) - CrPC
Section 406 - CrPC
Section 437 - CrPC
Section 438 - CrPC
Anticipatory bail by minor
Section 439 - CrPC
Section 446 - CrPC
Section 451 - CrPC
Section 465 - CrPC
Section 477 - CrPC
Section 482
Jurisdiction and Powers
Locus of a third party to challenge the criminal proceedings
Cause of Action
Doctrine of Election
Election of Remedies - Explained (Doctrine of Election)
Doctrine of Parens Patriae
Doctrine of Stare Decisis
East Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act, 1949
S. 13 - East Punjab Rent
S. 13(3)(a) - East Punjab Rent
Rent - Maintainability of an eviction proceeding as framed is altogether in
Statutory Right
Writ (Elections)
Environmental protection goes beyond law suits
Environmental Jurisprudence
Damages - Environment
Environmental Rule of law
Environment Act
Maxims of Equity
Evidence Act
Section 32 - Evidence Act
Section 35 - Evidence Act
Section 65 - Evidence Act
Section 65B - Evidence Act
Section 90 - Evidence Act
Section 92 - Evidence Act
Section 114 - Evidence Act
Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
Section 11 - Employees Provident Fund
Section 11(2) - Employees Provident Fund
Employees Compensation Act
Family Arrangement
Family - Term
Family - Wide connotation
Family - Concept of
Essentials of a family settlement
Object of Family Arrangements
Value of family arrangements
What is a Family Arrangement
Family Courts Act
Female Foeticide
FIR (First Information Report)
Res Judicata - FIR Quashing
Foreign Awards (Recognition and Enforcement) Act, 1961
Forest Act
Civil court jurisdiction - fraud
Conditional Gift
Gift without transfer of possession
Guardians and Wards Act, 1890
Joint Parenting
Father as a Guardian
Section 25 - Guardian and Wards
General Clauses Act
Section 27 - General Clauses Act
Habeas Corpus
Minor - Habeas Corpus
Haryana .......
Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1987
Haryana Municipal Election Rules, 1978
Haryana Public Service Commission
Haryana State Subordinate Accounts (Group `C’) Service Rules, 1982
State Transport Haryana Employees Transfer Policy, 2018,
Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956
Section 18 - Hindu Adoption
Hindu Woman married to a Hindu male having a lawfully wedded wife
Hindu Marriage Act (25 of 1955)
Section 13 - HMA
Section 13(2)(ia) - HMA
Section 13-B(2) - HMA
Permanent Alimony - S. 13 HMA
Section 24 - HMA
Section 28 - HMA
Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956
Hindu Succession Act
Section 14 - Hindu Succession Act
Honour Killing
HUF - Hindu Undivided Family
Indian Administrative Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954
Industrial Disputes Act
Section 25 - Industrial Disputes Act
Insecticides Act, 1968
Section 27 - Insecticides Act
Insolvency and Banking Code, 2016
Section 7 - IBC
Section 8 - IBC
Acts and Notifications (Insurance)
Standard Form Contracts
Delay in intimation
IPC - Indian Penal Code
Section 34 - IPC
Section 84 - IPC
Section 153A - IPC
Sections 302 - IPC
Section 359 - IPC
Section 361 - IPC
Section 366 - IPC
Section 415 - IPC
Section 174 - IPC
Section 417 - IPC
Judicial Process
Judicial reasoning
Judicial Review
Judicial Discipline
Guidelines regarding the pronouncement of judgments - Judicial Discipline
Role of judges
Land Acquisition Act, 1986
Release of enhanced compensation pending appeal - Land Acquisition
S. 32 - Land Acquisition
Concession by Advocate
Legal Right
Rule of Law
Rules and Regulations
administrative instructions can not override statutory provisions/rules/reg
Precedent - Law of Precedent
Precedents: A source of “law” under the Constitution of India
Ratio decidendi : Law of Precedents
Departure : Law of Precedents
Deprecation : Law of Precedents
Reference to larger bench : Law of Precedents
Precedents are not to be read as a statute
Exceptions to binding precedents
Per incuriam : Law of precedents
Per Incuriam in relaxation of the rule of Stare Decisis
Per Incuriam : Judgment Affect
Circumstances destroying or weakening the binding force of precedent
Application of Precedents in criminal cases
Conflicts between Benches : Law of precedents
Legal Doctrines and Principles
De facto Doctrine
Principle of estoppel or acquiescence
Legal Maxims
Aequitas est quasi aequalitas
Aequitas sequitur legem,
Equity - Maxims
Vigilantibus non dormientibus aequitas subvenit.
vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Legislation : When is complete
Rules of Construction - Words and Phrases
Legislation : Rules of construction
Legislation :Language used can be construed to salvage remedial intendment
Limitation Act, 1963
Section 5 - Limitation
Government /State - Section 5 - Limitation
Article 65 - Limitation
Article 54 - Limitation
Live-in Relationship
Main Services Regulations, 1976
Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007
Section 22 - Maintenance and Welfare ....
Section 23 - Maintenance and Welfare ....
Media and Criminal Trial
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
Guidelines for conduct of MACT claims
Section 51 - MVA
Section 100 - MVA, 1988
Section 149 - MVA
S. 149(2)(a) - MVA
Section 166 - MVA
Claims and legal liabilities crystallise at the time of the accident itself
Contributory Negligence - - S 166 MVA
Future Prospects - S 166 MVA
Notional Income - MVA
Gratuitous Passenger - S 166 MVA
Just Compensation - S 166 MVA
Non Earning Victim - Student - S 166 MVA
Pay and Recover - S 166 MVA
Personal Expenses - S 166 MVA
Victim employed but income not proved - S 166 MVA
Negligence - S 166 MVA
Fault of bigger vehicle - S 166 MVA
Two Wheeler - Triple Riding
Section 173 - MVA
Second Schedule - MVA
MSME - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006
S. 19 - MSME
Natural Justice
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
Section 138
138 - Object of
138 - Civil Offence
138 - Evidence
Guarantur - 138
Holder of cheque in due course - Payee - 138
Joint liability to pay debt - 138
Legally Enforceable Debt
Legally Enforceable Debt - Not proved
138 - Quasi Criminal
When does drawing of cheque become complete - 138
Proclaimed Offender - S 138
Section 139
139 - Degree of proof
139 - Presumption
139 - Preponderance of Probabilities
139 - Prudent Man
139 - Reverse onus clause
139 - Direct / Indirect Evidence
Section 141 - NIA
Advocate / Authorised Person - Notice
Refusal - Notice
Not Delivered - Affect - Notice
National Green Tribunal Act
Section 2(1)(m) - NGT
NDPS - Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act
S. 21 - NDPS
Passports Act, 1967
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
Exoneration - Affect - PCA
Quashing - PCA
Section 5 - PCA
Section 7 - PCA
Section 13 - PCA
Section 19 - PCA
Section 20 - PCA
Section 197 - PCA
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
Punjab Civil Services Rules
Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887
Punjab Municipal Act, 1911
Punjab Village Common Lands Regulations Act, 1961 (18 of 1961)
Punjab Land Revenue Manual
East Punjab Utilization of Lands Act, 1949
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
section 7 - PFA
Privileged litigant
PIL - Public Interest Litigation
PC & PNDT (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Rules, 1996
Railways Act, 1989
Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (16 of 2016)
Section 43
Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act , 1993 (RDB Act)
Section 31 (RDB Act)
Registration Act
S. 17 - Registration Act
Rent Act
Lease / Tenancy – Eviction – Arbitration - Arbitrability of the dispute
Leave to Defend
Revenue Terms
Securitisation and Reconstruction (SARFAESI Act)
Section 26D - Sarfaesi
Section 26E (SarfaesI)
Service Matter
Ad hoc appointments
Absence from Duty
Appointment - Service Matter
Compassionate Appointment
Disciplinary Proceedings
Charges - Can not go beyond - Disciplinary proceedings
Doctrine of unreasonableness - Doctrine of proportionality
Evidence - Departmental proceedings
Quasi Judicial - Departmental Proceedings
Reasons to be recorded - Disciplinary Authority
Rules of natural Justice - Disciplinary Authority
Writ - Interference - Disciplinary Proceedings
Main Services Regulations, 1976
Powers of High Court and Tribunals s of facts
Relaxation of Rules
Special Marriage Act, 1954
Section 36 - Special Marriage Act, 1954
Specific performance of contract for sale of immovable property
Change in position (Specific Performance)
Delay (Specific Performance)
Equity (Specific Performance)
Necessary party - (Specific performance)
Specific Relief Act, 1963
Section 19 - Specific Relief Act
Copy of Section 19 - Specific Relief Act
Section 20 - Special Marriage Act, 1954
Section 36 - Specific Relief Act
Injunction without relief for declaration - Suit for
Specific Performance - Suit for
co Sharer - Specific performance
Conduct - Specific Performance
Delay and Laches - Specific Performance
Limitation - Specific performance
Necessary party - Specific performance
NO bona fides - Specific Performance
Price escalation - Specific performance
Ready and Willingness - Specific Performance
Title - Suit for Declaration of Title
Stamp Act, 1899
Article 23 - Stamp Act
Section 35 - Stamp Act
Section 38 - Stamp Act
Stare Decisis
Interpretation of Statutes
Prospective or Retrospective
Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Rules 2019
Commercial Considerations - Tender
Courts power of review - tender
What is Experience - Tender
Classification between proprietary and partnership firm arbitrary
Investment partner - Tender
Past experience of partners - Tender
Ratio based on Investment and Profit sharing in a Joint venture - Tender
Reliance on technical qualification of a 3rd party - Tender
Whether Sole Proprietorship could claim experience of a Joint Venture
Interpretation, construction of Tenders
Court should not ascribe superfluity to the language of a document
Party issuing has the right to enforce the terms of the tender
Owner is best person to interpret the tender conditions
Owner should be allowed to carry out the purpose of the tender
Judicial review in Tenders
Judicial restraint in administrative action - Contract
Technical Evaluation would be impermissible - Tender
Transfer of Property Act, 1882
Section 10 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 13 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 20 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 41 - TPA
Section 52 - TPA
Section 53-A - TPA
Section 114 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 122 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 126 - TPA
Technology and Law
Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967
Word and Phrases
Contra perfentum
Good Faith
Latin Terms
Legal Doctrines and Principles
Malum prohibitum
Mistake of Law in Mala Prohibita Crimes
May and Shall
Revenue Terms
Units of Measurement
He who seeks equity must do equity.
Approbrate and reprobate
Will - Principles while undertaking the construction of a will
Will - Conflict between two clauses of a Will
Act of God
Advocate - Exemplary Behaviour
Advocate - Role of lawyer
One Sided Agreement
All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969
Allotment of plot
Annual Confidential Reports (ACR)
Appeal against acquittal
Not a party - Appeal
No reasonings by first Appellate court
Apprentices Act, 1961
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
General - Arbitration
Bare act - Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Section 2 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 3 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 4 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 7 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 8 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 9 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 11 - Arbitration
Section 11(6) - Arbitration
Section 12 - Arbitration
Section 16 - Arbitration
Section 37 - Arbitration, 1996
Section 20 - Arbitration
International arbitration
Appearance by the arbitrator himself for one of the parties in Appeal
Enhancement of interest in absence of appeal
Legal representation
Public Policy (Arbitration)
Arrest – Power to arrest
Detention – Power to authorise detention
Anticipatory Bail
Considerations for grant of
Explanation called in terms of Arnesh Kumar
Earlier bail plea declined on similar circumstances - Anticipatory Bail
Anticipatory Bail and Regular Bail - Distinction
Cancellation of bail
COVID 19 - Bail
Default Bail
Difference between cancellation and setting aside of bail order
Setting aside of bail order
Statutory Bail
Repossession - Default - Banking
Bar Council of India
Central Goods and Service Tax Act, 2017
Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
Civil and Criminal Proceedings
A company is a legal entity distinct from its members.
Lifting of the veil - Company
Companies Act
Constitution of India
Writ of Certiorari
Writ of Certiorari - What is
What is the nature of a writ of certiorari.
Article 14 - Constitution
Article 16 - Constitution
Article 21 - Constitution
Right to Life - Art 21
Right to marry a person of choice
Article 136 - Constitution
Article 226 - Constitution
Article 227 - Constitution of India
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Writ Article 227 challenging orders passed under O 1 R 10 CPC
Writ Article 227 challenging orders passed under O 39 R 1
Article 309 - Constitution
Article 311 - Constitution
Subsistence Allowance - Art 311(2)
Article 329 - Constitution
Consumer Protection Act
Consumer protection Act, 1986
Allotment - Delay
Section 13 - CPA, 1986
S. 21 - CPA,86
Consumer protection Act, 2019
Section 38 - CPA, 2019
Contempt of Courts Act, 1971
Section 2 - Contempt of Courts Act
Section 10 _ Contempt of Courts Act
Commentary - Contract
Formation of a Contract
Invitation to Treat
Intention to be legally bound
Capacity - Contract
Formalities and writing requirements - Contract
Contract terms: construction and interpretation
Contractual terms
Third Parties - Contract
Performance - Contract
Defences - Contract
Final Draft
Standard Form of Contract
Contract Act
Section 2 - Contract Act
Section 4 - Contract Act
Section 7 - Contract Act
Section 32- Contract Act
Section 73 - Contract Act
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
Court Fees Act
Section 16 - Court Fees Act
Limitation - Covid19
Compassionate Appointment
CPC (Civil Procedure Code, 1908 )
Provisions in Civil Matters to curtail delay in trial
CPC - Sections
Section 7 - CPC
Section 9 - CPC
Section 11 - CPC
Section 25 - CPC
Section 47 - CPC
Section 64 - CPC
Section 90 - CPC
Section 96 - CPC
Section 100 - CPC
Section 103 - CPC
Section 104 - CPC
Section 115 - CPC
Section 151 - CPC
CPC -Orders and Rules
Order 1 - CPC
Order 1 Rule 1 - CPC
Order 1 Rule 2 - CPC
Scope of Order I Rules 2, 3A and Order II Rule 3 of the CPC
Order 1 Rule 3 - CPC
Order 1 Rule 10 - CPC
Order 1 Rule 10(1) - CPC
Order 1 Rule 10(2) - CPC
Dominus Litis - O1 R 10 CPC
Suo Moto Power - O 1 R 10 CPC
Proper Party - CPC O. 1
Necessary Party - CPC O. 1
Wrong Person - Order 1 - CPC
Non Joinder - Order 1 - CPC
Mis Joinder of Plaintiff - Order 1 - CPC
Order 2
Order 2 Rule 2
Order 2 Rule 3 - CPC
Order 5
Order 6
Order 6 Rule 17
Order 7
Order 7 Rule 11
Order 8
Order 8 Rule 6
Order 8 Rule 6A
Order 9
Order 9 Rule 4
Order 9 Rule 7
Order 9 Rule 13
Sufficient cause - O.9 R. 13
Order 12
Order 12 Rule 6
Order 13
Order 13 Rule 8
Order 14
Order 21
Order 21 Rule 51
O 21 R 2 - CPC
Limitation of several applications during execution
O. 21 R. 54
O.21 R.97
Order 23
Order 23 Rule 3
Order 30 - CPC
Order 39
Order 39 Rule 1
Order 41 - CPC
Order 41 Rule 33 - CPC
Order 41 Rule 31 - CPC
Criminal Jurisprudence
Criminal Trial
Appreciation of Evidence
Child witness
Circumstantial Evidence
Principles - Circumstantial Evidence
Tests - Circumstantal Evidence
A crime never dies
Sentence - Criminal trial
Trial in camera
Transfer of petition
Section 41 - CrPC
Section 125 - CrpC
Speedy Decision - Matrimonial cases - S 125 CrPC
Section 156(3) - CrPC
Executive magistrate can not order for FIR S 156(3) - CrPC
Section 161 - CrPC
Section 167 - CrPC
Section 167(2) - CrPC
Section 173 - CrPC
Section 177 - CrPC
Section 210 - CrPC
Section 228 - CrPC
Section 256 - CrPC
Section 311 - CrPC
Section 357 - CrPC
Section 362 - CrPC
Section 378 - CrPC
Possible View - CrPC S. 378
Section 389 - CrPC
Section 397 - CrPC
Section 397(2) - CrPC
Section 406 - CrPC
Section 437 - CrPC
Section 438 - CrPC
Anticipatory bail by minor
Section 439 - CrPC
Section 446 - CrPC
Section 451 - CrPC
Section 465 - CrPC
Section 477 - CrPC
Section 482
Jurisdiction and Powers
Locus of a third party to challenge the criminal proceedings
Cause of Action
Doctrine of Election
Election of Remedies - Explained (Doctrine of Election)
Doctrine of Parens Patriae
Doctrine of Stare Decisis
East Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act, 1949
S. 13 - East Punjab Rent
S. 13(3)(a) - East Punjab Rent
Rent - Maintainability of an eviction proceeding as framed is altogether in
Statutory Right
Writ (Elections)
Environmental protection goes beyond law suits
Environmental Jurisprudence
Damages - Environment
Environmental Rule of law
Environment Act
Maxims of Equity
Evidence Act
Section 32 - Evidence Act
Section 35 - Evidence Act
Section 65 - Evidence Act
Section 65B - Evidence Act
Section 90 - Evidence Act
Section 92 - Evidence Act
Section 114 - Evidence Act
Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
Section 11 - Employees Provident Fund
Section 11(2) - Employees Provident Fund
Employees Compensation Act
Family Arrangement
Family - Term
Family - Wide connotation
Family - Concept of
Essentials of a family settlement
Object of Family Arrangements
Value of family arrangements
What is a Family Arrangement
Family Courts Act
Female Foeticide
FIR (First Information Report)
Res Judicata - FIR Quashing
Foreign Awards (Recognition and Enforcement) Act, 1961
Forest Act
Civil court jurisdiction - fraud
Conditional Gift
Gift without transfer of possession
Guardians and Wards Act, 1890
Joint Parenting
Father as a Guardian
Section 25 - Guardian and Wards
General Clauses Act
Section 27 - General Clauses Act
Habeas Corpus
Minor - Habeas Corpus
Haryana .......
Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1987
Haryana Municipal Election Rules, 1978
Haryana Public Service Commission
Haryana State Subordinate Accounts (Group `C’) Service Rules, 1982
State Transport Haryana Employees Transfer Policy, 2018,
Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956
Section 18 - Hindu Adoption
Hindu Woman married to a Hindu male having a lawfully wedded wife
Hindu Marriage Act (25 of 1955)
Section 13 - HMA
Section 13(2)(ia) - HMA
Section 13-B(2) - HMA
Permanent Alimony - S. 13 HMA
Section 24 - HMA
Section 28 - HMA
Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956
Hindu Succession Act
Section 14 - Hindu Succession Act
Honour Killing
HUF - Hindu Undivided Family
Indian Administrative Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954
Industrial Disputes Act
Section 25 - Industrial Disputes Act
Insecticides Act, 1968
Section 27 - Insecticides Act
Insolvency and Banking Code, 2016
Section 7 - IBC
Section 8 - IBC
Acts and Notifications (Insurance)
Standard Form Contracts
Delay in intimation
IPC - Indian Penal Code
Section 34 - IPC
Section 84 - IPC
Section 153A - IPC
Sections 302 - IPC
Section 359 - IPC
Section 361 - IPC
Section 366 - IPC
Section 415 - IPC
Section 174 - IPC
Section 417 - IPC
Judicial Process
Judicial reasoning
Judicial Review
Judicial Discipline
Guidelines regarding the pronouncement of judgments - Judicial Discipline
Role of judges
Land Acquisition Act, 1986
Release of enhanced compensation pending appeal - Land Acquisition
S. 32 - Land Acquisition
Concession by Advocate
Legal Right
Rule of Law
Rules and Regulations
administrative instructions can not override statutory provisions/rules/reg
Precedent - Law of Precedent
Precedents: A source of “law” under the Constitution of India
Ratio decidendi : Law of Precedents
Departure : Law of Precedents
Deprecation : Law of Precedents
Reference to larger bench : Law of Precedents
Precedents are not to be read as a statute
Exceptions to binding precedents
Per incuriam : Law of precedents
Per Incuriam in relaxation of the rule of Stare Decisis
Per Incuriam : Judgment Affect
Circumstances destroying or weakening the binding force of precedent
Application of Precedents in criminal cases
Conflicts between Benches : Law of precedents
Legal Doctrines and Principles
De facto Doctrine
Principle of estoppel or acquiescence
Legal Maxims
Aequitas est quasi aequalitas
Aequitas sequitur legem,
Equity - Maxims
Vigilantibus non dormientibus aequitas subvenit.
vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Legislation : When is complete
Rules of Construction - Words and Phrases
Legislation : Rules of construction
Legislation :Language used can be construed to salvage remedial intendment
Limitation Act, 1963
Section 5 - Limitation
Government /State - Section 5 - Limitation
Article 65 - Limitation
Article 54 - Limitation
Live-in Relationship
Main Services Regulations, 1976
Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007
Section 22 - Maintenance and Welfare ....
Section 23 - Maintenance and Welfare ....
Media and Criminal Trial
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
Guidelines for conduct of MACT claims
Section 51 - MVA
Section 100 - MVA, 1988
Section 149 - MVA
S. 149(2)(a) - MVA
Section 166 - MVA
Claims and legal liabilities crystallise at the time of the accident itself
Contributory Negligence - - S 166 MVA
Future Prospects - S 166 MVA
Notional Income - MVA
Gratuitous Passenger - S 166 MVA
Just Compensation - S 166 MVA
Non Earning Victim - Student - S 166 MVA
Pay and Recover - S 166 MVA
Personal Expenses - S 166 MVA
Victim employed but income not proved - S 166 MVA
Negligence - S 166 MVA
Fault of bigger vehicle - S 166 MVA
Two Wheeler - Triple Riding
Section 173 - MVA
Second Schedule - MVA
MSME - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006
S. 19 - MSME
Natural Justice
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
Section 138
138 - Object of
138 - Civil Offence
138 - Evidence
Guarantur - 138
Holder of cheque in due course - Payee - 138
Joint liability to pay debt - 138
Legally Enforceable Debt
Legally Enforceable Debt - Not proved
138 - Quasi Criminal
When does drawing of cheque become complete - 138
Proclaimed Offender - S 138
Section 139
139 - Degree of proof
139 - Presumption
139 - Preponderance of Probabilities
139 - Prudent Man
139 - Reverse onus clause
139 - Direct / Indirect Evidence
Section 141 - NIA
Advocate / Authorised Person - Notice
Refusal - Notice
Not Delivered - Affect - Notice
National Green Tribunal Act
Section 2(1)(m) - NGT
NDPS - Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act
S. 21 - NDPS
Passports Act, 1967
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
Exoneration - Affect - PCA
Quashing - PCA
Section 5 - PCA
Section 7 - PCA
Section 13 - PCA
Section 19 - PCA
Section 20 - PCA
Section 197 - PCA
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
Punjab Civil Services Rules
Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887
Punjab Municipal Act, 1911
Punjab Village Common Lands Regulations Act, 1961 (18 of 1961)
Punjab Land Revenue Manual
East Punjab Utilization of Lands Act, 1949
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
section 7 - PFA
Privileged litigant
PIL - Public Interest Litigation
PC & PNDT (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Rules, 1996
Railways Act, 1989
Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (16 of 2016)
Section 43
Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act , 1993 (RDB Act)
Section 31 (RDB Act)
Registration Act
S. 17 - Registration Act
Rent Act
Lease / Tenancy – Eviction – Arbitration - Arbitrability of the dispute
Leave to Defend
Revenue Terms
Securitisation and Reconstruction (SARFAESI Act)
Section 26D - Sarfaesi
Section 26E (SarfaesI)
Service Matter
Ad hoc appointments
Absence from Duty
Appointment - Service Matter
Compassionate Appointment
Disciplinary Proceedings
Charges - Can not go beyond - Disciplinary proceedings
Doctrine of unreasonableness - Doctrine of proportionality
Evidence - Departmental proceedings
Quasi Judicial - Departmental Proceedings
Reasons to be recorded - Disciplinary Authority
Rules of natural Justice - Disciplinary Authority
Writ - Interference - Disciplinary Proceedings
Main Services Regulations, 1976
Powers of High Court and Tribunals s of facts
Relaxation of Rules
Special Marriage Act, 1954
Section 36 - Special Marriage Act, 1954
Specific performance of contract for sale of immovable property
Change in position (Specific Performance)
Delay (Specific Performance)
Equity (Specific Performance)
Necessary party - (Specific performance)
Specific Relief Act, 1963
Section 19 - Specific Relief Act
Copy of Section 19 - Specific Relief Act
Section 20 - Special Marriage Act, 1954
Section 36 - Specific Relief Act
Injunction without relief for declaration - Suit for
Specific Performance - Suit for
co Sharer - Specific performance
Conduct - Specific Performance
Delay and Laches - Specific Performance
Limitation - Specific performance
Necessary party - Specific performance
NO bona fides - Specific Performance
Price escalation - Specific performance
Ready and Willingness - Specific Performance
Title - Suit for Declaration of Title
Stamp Act, 1899
Article 23 - Stamp Act
Section 35 - Stamp Act
Section 38 - Stamp Act
Stare Decisis
Interpretation of Statutes
Prospective or Retrospective
Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Rules 2019
Commercial Considerations - Tender
Courts power of review - tender
What is Experience - Tender
Classification between proprietary and partnership firm arbitrary
Investment partner - Tender
Past experience of partners - Tender
Ratio based on Investment and Profit sharing in a Joint venture - Tender
Reliance on technical qualification of a 3rd party - Tender
Whether Sole Proprietorship could claim experience of a Joint Venture
Interpretation, construction of Tenders
Court should not ascribe superfluity to the language of a document
Party issuing has the right to enforce the terms of the tender
Owner is best person to interpret the tender conditions
Owner should be allowed to carry out the purpose of the tender
Judicial review in Tenders
Judicial restraint in administrative action - Contract
Technical Evaluation would be impermissible - Tender
Transfer of Property Act, 1882
Section 10 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 13 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 20 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 41 - TPA
Section 52 - TPA
Section 53-A - TPA
Section 114 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 122 (TPA - Transfer of Property Act)
Section 126 - TPA
Technology and Law
Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967
Word and Phrases
Contra perfentum
Good Faith
Latin Terms
Legal Doctrines and Principles
Malum prohibitum
Mistake of Law in Mala Prohibita Crimes
May and Shall
Revenue Terms
Units of Measurement
He who seeks equity must do equity.
Approbrate and reprobate
Will - Principles while undertaking the construction of a will
Will - Conflict between two clauses of a Will
Fixed Deposit
Report abuse
Report abuse