Allotment of plot

Reserve price

Allotment of plot - By tender - “Reserve price” - Object behind fixing the reserve price viz. to limit the authority of the auctioneer - In the present case, the Board Resolution prescribes the guidelines for fixing the reserve price - The concept of reserve price is not synonymous with “valuation of the property” - These two terms operate in different spheres - An invitation to tender is not an offer - It is an attempt to ascertain whether an offer can be obtained with a margin - Constitution of India, Article 14. (2005)139 PLR 456 (SC)

Fixation of price

Allotment of plot - Fixation of price - There is a difference between the circle rate and sector rate - The circle rate is notified by the Government for the guidance of the Sub-Registrar - They are notified for revenue purposes. (2005)139 PLR 456 (SC)

Scheme is challenged

Allotment of plot - Scheme for construction of a commercial part - When a Scheme is challenged - Court has to look at it as an entire package - We have to see the tender price, the cost of putting up amenities like E.C.S., the cost benefit ratio, the future projections in terms of increase in revenue, employment etc. - None of these facts have been brought out in the petition. (2005)139 PLR 456 (SC)