WDC Senior Phase College Options 2024

Course Providers  

The courses on this site are offered through a partnership between West Dunbartonshire Council (Education) , West College Scotland, Glasgow Clyde College, City of Glasgow College, and West Dunbartonshire Working 4 U.

Foundation Apprenticeship courses are delivered by Working 4 U, Colleges and with a range of employers. These courses are supported by Skills Development Scotland. 

So what does college look like?

This clip shows some of the courses that you can apply for.

Which Course?

Before you apply for a course, it is important that you find out what each course has to offer so that you can make the best choice.

Please use the information on this site to help you decide which course is right for you. It will help to talk over the options with your parents or teachers.

When you are ready to apply, scroll to the bottom of this page and you will see the section headed "Applying for a course"

Why College or Training?

In the earlier years of Secondary School, some subjects were compulsory and some could be chosen as options within the timetable.

Now, in Senior Phase, you have a greater number of options. As well as continuing to work in school, you can also choose to work part of the time at College or with a Training Provider. These courses will give you the opportunity to choose a wider range of subjects or a different way of working. Many of the courses are designed to develop knowledge and skills which will be valuable to you when looking for employment or applying for full-time places at college or university.

These experiences are divided into 2 groups - The Schools/College Programme and Foundation Apprenticeships

You can find out which courses are available by clicking on the drop-down menus at the top of this page.


The Schools / College Programme takes place at the following times, depending on which course you choose:

Most courses only take up 2 afternoons but some require all 4 afternoons.

An  HNC is more demanding and may require you to attend college on a bespoke timetable.

Foundation Apprenticeships can be at a variety of times depending on what Framework you choose and what the delivery model is for that FA. Information on delivery models can be found below. Information on dates and times can be found on the individual FA descriptor pages.

Course days and times are shown at the bottom of each course description.

What are Foundation Apprenticeships?

In Scotland, there are many jobs which are important to the future of the Scottish Economy. In some of these jobs, there are not enough qualified people for the number of jobs available. Foundation Apprenticeships are designed to provide you with training so that you are in a better position to get one of these jobs. Within a Foundation Apprenticeship, you will spend part of the time in college and part of the time in placement with a local employer.

There are 12 Foundation Apprenticeships available in a variety of subject areas across Scotland with 5 being offered locally in partnership with West Dunbartonshire Council.

Level 6 Foundation Apprenticeship

These frameworks are offered to S5 & S6 pupils during your final 2 years of Secondary School and are at SCQF Level 6 which is the same as a Higher. 

Level 5 Foundation Apprenticeship

This practical, skills-based qualification is available to students in S4, S5 and S6.

Foundation apprenticeships are delivered in two ways:

2 Year Model

This model is available to students in S5 and then again in S6 and requires a minimum commitment of 2 afternoons per week in each year with the actual time required depending on the individual course title.

Short Duration Delivery Model

In this model, the courses are compressed into one school year in order to complete your work placement. This shorter model obviously needs more time per week and this is 4 afternoons Tues, Wed, Thurs and Fri (1.30pm - 4pm) , with placement flexibility outwith these times are offered but subject to your timetable commitments & depending on the framework chosen. 

(If you are interested in another FA which is not locally delivered, please speak to your pastoral care as the commitment will vary depending on the Framework and college that is delivering this course)

Since this model can be completed in a shorter time, it is well suited to students in S6 as well as those in S5.

Click this button if you are interested in finding out more about Foundation Apprenticeships.

How do I find out more about individual courses?

You can see which courses are available by using the drop-down menus at the top of the page. 

Clicking on a course title will take you to a page giving more information about the course such as what it will involve, how it can benefit you and when it will take place within your school week. 

Make sure that you read and understand all the information about a course before you apply for it.

Need Help or Advice?

You can get help and advice from your Pastoral Care Teacher, DYW School Coordinator or your Depute Head Teacher responsible for Senior Phase. Your Careers Adviser can also help if you need to discuss Foundation Apprenticeships.

Help with making subject choices

My World of Work – subject choice tool: https://www.myworldofwork.co.uk/my-career-options/where-can-subject-choices-take-you can help you to explore what subjects you are interested in and where these can lead to in the future, with a list of related jobs and industries.


Personal Statement

My World of Work – profile tool: https://www.myworldofwork.co.uk/account/login?destination=account can help you to explore your skills and strengths, along with structuring your personal statement for applying to a part-time college course or foundation apprenticeship as part of your Senior Phase subject choices. To use this tool, you are required to log in or register on the website, which only takes a couple of minutes.

Applying for a course

There are 2 kinds of application available below:

Personal Statement

As part of your Schools Programme application, you will be required to provide a short personal statement. Guidance is provided on this (using the "Help" button below) and teachers are there to provide assistance if required. When you have completed your personal statement, you should copy and paste it into the section at the end of  your on-line application form. 


Whether you are accepted for a course depends on a number of factors:

Are you ready to apply?

Schools Programme

What you will need before applying for a Schools Programme college course :

Foundation Apprenticeship

What you will need before applying for a Foundation Apprenticeship :

The on-line application for courses will be open between 15th January 2024 until the 15th March 2024.  Anyone applying after this date will be put on a waiting list.

Click this button to get help with creating a personal statement.

Click this button when you are ready to apply for Schools Programme courses (1st & 2nd choice).

Click this button when you are ready to apply for one of the Foundation Apprenticeships delivered by WDC Working4U.