Foundation Apprenticeship Overview

What previous students have thought about Foundation Apprenticeships

Before starting a course, it is sometimes useful to hear from people who have already done it. The figures below show the results of a survey carried out in 2020 which asked students about the Foundation Apprenticeship they had just completed.

Video Introductions to Foundation Apprenticeships

These video clips provide you with a quick introduction to Foundation Apprenticeships

Information from Skills Development Scotland

Information from West College Scotland

FAs WCS Edited 720p.mp4

What is a Foundation Apprenticeship?

A Foundation Apprenticeship is a work-based learning opportunity for senior-phase secondary school pupils.  This can be taken over one year (Shorter Duration Model) or two years. You will spend time out of school with a Training / Learning Provider and a local employer. The Foundation Apprenticeship is completed alongside your other subjects like National 5s and Highers and is part of your school timetable.

It’s a chance to get valuable work experience and gain an industry recognised qualification.  It also lets you try out a career you are interested in while you’re still at school.

Who is it for?

Foundation Apprenticeships are for pupils entering 5th  or 6th year. You must have the ability to study at SCQF level 6 (Higher equivalent) in a vocational setting and meet the entry requirements of the course.  Attainment is measured by ongoing assessment with the learning provider and in the workplace.

What qualifications will I gain?

On successful completion of the course, you will achieve a Joint Qualification Certificate for the Foundation Apprenticeship in your chosen subject. This is a group Award at SCQF level 6, which comprises a National Progression Award (NPA) or National Certificate (NC) and Scottish Vocational Qualification or Customised Units.

Where can a Foundation Apprenticeship take me in the future?

Modern Apprenticeship (MA)

In the same subject: You could complete your MA quicker because you’ll have completed some elements of the MA qualification during your Foundation Apprenticeship.

In another subject: You’ll already have experience of learning in the work place. This will help you to stand out to employers who are recruiting Modern Apprentices.


On successful completion of your Foundation Apprenticeship, you can progress onto a number of HNC/D courses throughout Scotland. You may be required to have additional school qualifications upon entry.


Many Scottish Universities recognise Foundation Apprenticeships. Your FA means you already have quality experience within industry – this helps your UCAS application stand out.

Straight to Work

A Foundation Apprenticeship gives you skills employers want, such as timekeeping, problem solving, communication and teamwork.

On completion of your FA you’ll have connections with employers, work experience and industry recognised qualifications. This will look great on your CV!

Graduate Apprenticeship (GA)

Graduate Apprenticeship are a new way to study up to Masters Degree while in a job. The majority of learning happens in the work place and is enhanced by time spent at university during the working week. A Foundation Apprenticeship is a good way to see if this style of learning works for you.

For more information please contact your school or email Working4U on:

Are you Ready?

If you wish to do a Foundation Apprenticeship, make sure that you meet the entry requirements and that you can fit it in to your timetable along with the school-based courses you are planning to take. (Remember to check this for both Year 1 and Year 2 if you are doing a 2-year version of the course)

What is available?

From a total of 12 Frameworks, there are 5 Foundation Apprenticeship Courses available locally 

The remaining frameworks are offered at colleges in Glasgow but this will require increased travelling time - travel expenses might be funded  and you would need to discuss how this would impact your other subjects and timetable commitments

Applying for a Foundation Apprenticeship

You can find out more about individual courses by visiting the course descriptor pages on this website. 

To do this, use either the course selector tool on the homepage or the "Foundation Apprenticeship" menu at the top of the website.

To apply for any of 5 Foundation Apprenticeships, click on the "FA" buttons at the bottom of the homepage of this website.

If you are interested in any of the other Foundation Apprenticeships which are not offered by partners of West Dunbartonshire, you can find out more about them by visiting this website. 

Scroll down on the landing page of the website to find out more about the 12 Foundation Apprenticeships available.

If you wish to apply directly for one of the Foundation Apprenticeships on offer in one of the Glasgow Colleges, you can do so by clicking on the link below.