Early Education & Childcare

There are 2 courses available in this area:

Skills for Work  Childcare (4 Units) –  SCQF Level 4

You will study units from the Skills for Work programme - Childcare at National 4 Level.

This will introduce you to the knowledge and experience required to work in a variety of childcare environments. You will learn ways of providing appropriate play and activities for children and young people whilst maintaining their health, safety and well-being in every situation. This course will allow you to develop an understanding of child development, explore how to cater for children’s individual needs and examine the roles and responsibilities required of childcare practitioners. 

Entry Level

Students should be working towards National 4 Level.


A successful interview with college staff will be required before a place is offered on the course.

Course Content

This course is a group award consisting of four units at National 4 level. It covers a broad range of issues in the following units:


Optional Unit chosen by college:

Please note no placements are offered on this course and all demonstrations and interactions are simulated to create a realistic environment. Visits to Local Nurseries are part of your course. (However, if you are planning to leave school we will offer you work experience through the school employability programme.)

Progression - What Next?

What opportunities will be available to me when I finish?

If you complete this course successfully and would like to undertake further study, you can apply for: 

Location - Clydebank Campus

Days & Times

What others have said

"Childcare is something I've always been interested in and this course has helped me to learn so much about children and what is required for working with them."

Céire Ramage, S4, Our Lady and St Patrick's High School

Skills for Work Childcare (4 Units) – SCQF  level 5

You will study a national 5 level programme that will allow you to further develop your knowledge and understanding of child development and children’s health, how to care for and feed children, the importance of play in children’s development. 

You will also be given an opportunity to visit a nursery setting in order to gain some practical experience of working with children. This will be a supervised session/s therefore negating the need for a PVG check

Entry Level

Students should:

A successful interview with college staff will be required before a place is offered on the course.

Course Content

This course is a group award consisting of four units at National 5 level. It covers a broad range of issues in the following units:


Optional Unit chosen by college:

Please note no placements are offered on this course and all demonstrations and interactions are simulated to create a realistic environment. Visits to Local Nurseries are part of your course. (However, if you are planning to leave school we will offer you work experience through the school employability programme.)

Progression - What Next? 

What opportunities will be available to me when I finish?

This course can prepare you for work in the areas of employment that deal with care in the environment e.g.

If you complete this course successfully and would like to undertake further study, you can apply for:

Days & Times