Social Services - Children & Young People

Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services Children & Young People at SCQF Level 6

This course is being delivered by a partnership between:

The course can be either be delivered over one or two years.

One Year Model

The "Short Duration Delivery Model" means it can be completed in 1 school year 4 afternoons per week (Tues, Wed,Thurs & Fri) 

Since the course can be completed within 1 school year, it is available to students in S5 or S6.

Two Year Model

The two year delivery model means that the course is delivered over 2 academic years.  The first year will concentrate on the delivery of the National Progression Award, which is classroom based. The second year will be working toward the SVQ modules within workplace placement provider.

As this course is over two years, it is available to only pupils in 5th year.

Course outline 

The Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services Children and Young People requires pupils to complete a National Progression Award (NPA) at SCQF level 6. This includes knowledge units that support pupils to develop an understanding of how children develop and learn, play and child protection. Pupils also require to complete the 4 mandatory Units of the SVQ  Social Services Children and Young People at SCQF Level 6. 

The NPA provides knowledge and an introduction to the skills that will help pupils to complete the SVQ units. The NPA has 24 SCQF credit points at SCQF level 6 and the SVQ in Social Services Children 7 Young People at SCQF at Level 6  mandatory units have a total of 37 credit points  The total SCQF Level credit points is 61.

These two parts, along with associated work placement, form the Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services Children and Young People.

Within West Dunbartonshire your placement may be in one of the  Council's Early Education Childcare Centres, Primary School or funded partner Childcare Centre . (formerly known as 'Nurseries')

Entry requirements 

It would be great if you are working or have a National 5 English and be able to work towards Higher qualifications. However we are also happy to consider your application dependant on individual circumstances.

Please note: all candidates are required to be vetted by Disclosure Scotland as part of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG Scheme).

Course content 


Location - In a West Dunbartonshire High School

Days & Times

1 Year Model

W/F in Class & T/Th in Placement

2 Year Model

Class contact in Year 1

This time is split between study with a training provider and a work placement with an employer,

The work placement element will be negotiated on a one-to-one basis with each student and, where it suits the student's timetable, a whole day placement may be organised rather than two afternoons.

What other people say .  .  .

Jack McEvoy, 17,  did his Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services, Children and Young People at West College Scotland’s Clydebank campus. Jack has known from a young age that he wanted to become a social worker, and has based his subject choices around this. Describing his placement as being his favourite part of his studies, Jack praises Foundation Apprenticeships for allowing youngsters to explore their career decisions while still at school. While he is one of the few who has a clear idea of his career path, Jack also says that Foundation Apprenticeships cater for all :

"You don’t need to know exactly what you want to do because this can lead you into different careers."

Morgan Mackie is doing her Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services, Children and Young People with West Dunbartonshire Council Working4U.  Morgan stated Undertaking the Foundation Apprenticeship programme has gave me a better perspective on what I would like to do in the future.

 It has gave me the chance to experience working with and being treated as an adult. I has also allowed me to gain not only knowledge in my future career but I have also gain friendships along the way.

Darcie Carlin is doing her Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services, Children and Young People with West Dunbartonshire Council Working4U.  Darcie statedThe FA in Social Services Children & Young People has been a positive experience.  I have developed more confidence within myself and ability.  The experience itself has confirmed that I wish to work as a Childcare Practitioner. I now plan to undertake a Modern Apprenticeship within Childcare.


Emma Currie is doing her Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services, Children and Young People with West Dunbartonshire Council Working4U.  Emma stated “ I have loved the relationships I have built within my nursery placement. The staff within the nursery have been an excellent support and have given great advice and training. I have learnt so much from both class and practical learning. My confidence has grown in and out of the classroom”