Games Development

Games Development – SCQF Level 5

Course Outline

This course provides an opportunity for you to develop your knowledge and understanding of Computer Games Development. The course focuses on games design, games programming and creating media (2D graphics and audio). Computer Games Development is an intensive course and will require you to be self-motivated, enthusiastic and prepared to study outwith college sessions.

Entry Level Recommended

Open to pupils in S4 - S6.

Learners should have demonstrated a keen interest in Computing and have obtained basic IT skills.

Course Content

You will be asked to design, create media (graphics & sound) & code a computer game.

Progression What Next?

Successful completion of these units would enable you to progress onto the NQ in Computing with Games Development. If you have Higher Mathematics or Higher Computing Science, then progression to the Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Computer Games Development would be possible.

Location - Clydebank Campus

Days & Times