
Working well in a team means:

  • Working with a group of people to achieve a shared goal or outcome in an effective way

  • Listening to other members of the team

  • Taking everyone’s ideas on board, not just your own

  • Working for the good of the group as a whole

  • Having a say and sharing responsibility

A successful team is one where everyone’s unique skills and strengths help the team achieve a shared goal in the most effective way.

If you have good people skills you’ll make a good team player, and skills like communication and having a positive attitude make a team great.

How you're developing your TEAMWork skills

You may not notice it, but you're probably already doing a lot of things that show you're a good team player. If you're not, then here are some suggestions of how and when you can develop your teamwork.

  • Always listening to other members of the team

  • Playing team sport and celebrating each team member's achievements

  • Taking responsibility for something as a group e.g. your behaviour as a class / a group project

  • Taking responsibility for the individual tasks assigned to you within a team

  • Completing a project with a team to the best possible standards and within the deadline

  • Completing your fair share of the work in any team project

  • Helping team mates out when needed

  • Always being on time and being a reliable person that team mates can trust

  • Contribute to decision making and encouraging others to contribute

  • Helping to resolve any conflict within a team

  • Reflecting on your team's progress and making suggestions for improvements

  • Offering to bring in any external expertise or resources that you have for your team's benefit

develop your Teamwork

By using online resources you can look further into how to develop your teamwork and read about other successful teams and get advice on what to do when things don't go to plan.

To develop your teamwork, take a look at the links below. You can keep track of anything you do to develop your employability skills on UNIFROG.

Building your teamwork skills

13 Tips to Help Build Your Teamwork Skills

Teamwork Skills: Being an effective team member

Build your evidence

You need to be able to prove to future employers or universities that you have the skills they want. Try preparing an example answer to the question: "Tell us about a time you've shown great Teamwork?" OR "What role do you typically play in a team, can you give us an example?"

Use the STARRS technique:


  • Explain the situation you were in.

  • Aim to answer the questions ‘what/where/when’, for example, “In the third year of my business studies degree” or “when I was working as a retail assistant in a shop last summer”.


  • What did you do, and what did the task or role involve?

  • Explain your tasks and responsibilities briefly.


  • What did YOU do to meet the objective of/complete the task?

  • You might want to cover what you did and how you did it, including what skills you used.


  • What was the outcome?

  • Did you make a difference?

  • Can you quantify this?


  • What did you do well?

  • What didn’t go as well as you’d hoped?


  • After reflection, what would you have done differently?

  • What could have been improved to achieve an even greater success?