Do you think that good leadership is more significant than anticipating change and staying relevant in shaping governance? Explain your answer.

Having good leadership is essential in shaping governance in a society. Good leadership requires capable leaders with exemplary qualities to lead well and influence society positively. [Description]

For example, Mr Lim Kim San, the first chairman of HDB became Minister for National Development in 1963. He led the construction of low-cost public housing to tackle housing shortage and his exceptional leadership saw the completion of 26,000 flats. As a good leader, he also demonstrated integrity when he volunteered for HDB without taking a salary for 4 years and helped in improving building and financial processes. [Example]

By ensuring good leadership, a society will be able to develop well and flourish under the guidance of a leader who has the right values to support and govern the nation. [Explanation]

Anticipating change and staying relevant is an essential principle in shaping governance. A government needs to anticipate change and stay relevant so that threats and future problems can be detected and addressed early so as to minimise impact on society. [Description]

For example, the Singapore government was aware of rising sea levels and took concerted steps to address this issue. In the National Day Rally, PM Lee pledged a budget of $5 billion for the Coastal and Flood Protection Fund to help Singapore meet the significant risks of rising sea levels. [Example]

By anticipating change and staying relevant, the country will be more prepared for future problems and be equipped with the necessary resources and policies to overcome the problems that can threaten Singapore in the future. [Explanation]

I believe that having good leadership is more significant than anticipating change and staying relevant.[Make a stand] 

This is because society requires a capable and exemplary leader with the right qualities and skills to come up with the right policies and vision to propel the country forward. As such, a good leader will be able to formulate good policies to anticipate change and stay relevant. However, when a leader is not capable enough, anticipating change and staying relevant will then have limited effectiveness because leaders are not well equipped with the necessary skills to help society. [Explain your stand]