Birth Rate

In your opinion, what can be done to improve the birth rate in Singapore? Explain your answer using two strategies.   

In my opinion, increasing paid paternity leave can help improve the birth rate in Singapore. Paternity leave refers to the leave given to eligible working fathers to spend time caring for their infants. [Description]

For example, government-paid paternity leave in Singapore will be increased from two to four weeks from 1 January 2024.[Example]  

This is an important strategy as the fathers would be able to bond with their infants better by being more involved in their children’s care and having more time to pick up childcare skills.. This also relieves the burden on the mother to care for their infant after childbirth. With the partnership in child-rearing, the parents would feel encouraged to have more children to share the joy of raising them. [Explanation]

In my opinion, providing affordable and ample childcare services can help improve the birth rate in Singapore. Childcare services refer to the provision of care or/and conducive learning environment for children from 2 months to 6 years old while their parents are away at work. [Description]

For example, the Singapore government can ensure that there are enough childcare centres spread across the island, especially at convenient locations near the parents’ workplaces or in neighbourhoods. They can also provide more subsidies especially for lower-income families to afford childcare services. [Example]

This is an important strategy as with accessible childcare services, the parents can rest assured that their children are safe and being well taken care of while they are away at work. They will be encouraged to have more children as they would not need to choose between their careers and raising a family. Affordable childcare would also reduce the financial costs of raising children with working parents not having to worry that their incomes will be spent on childcare costs. [Explanation]