Better understanding between citizens and Foreigners

How can Singapore promote understanding between residents (Singaporeans and PRs) and non-residents (foreigners)? Explain your answer with reference to two ways.        

One way Singapore can promote understanding between residents and non-residents is by volunteering side by side to promote a sense of shared purpose and unity. (Description) For example, the Singapore government can organise joint community service projects where residents and non-residents can work together to address local issues or contribute to charitable causes. The government can also Involve non-residents in local decision-making processes and community organizations. This can include advisory boards or committees that address issues relevant to both residents and non-residents, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion. [Example] This allows for more interaction, a shared sense of belonging which leads to a more harmonious and inclusive society where residents and non-residents can coexist and thrive together. [Explanation]

Another way Singapore can promote understanding between residents and non-residents is through organising Cultural Exchange Programs. These programs can take various forms, such as festivals, workshops, and community events that celebrate the diversity of cultures present in Singapore. For example, Singapore can host annual multicultural festivals that showcase the traditions, food, music, and art of various ethnic groups residing in the country. [Description and explanation] This not only allows residents and non-residents to learn about each other's cultures but also provides opportunities for interaction and engagement. With interaction and engagement, residents and non-residents will form bonds, understand the differences and culture on a deeper level which deepens their understanding of each other. [Explanation]

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