Racial Harmony

In your opinion, what can be done to preserve racial harmony in Singapore? Explain your answer with reference to two strategies.

In my opinion, racial harmony in Singapore can be preserved through the use of education Education plays a pivotal role in shaping societal values and attitudes, especially in a diverse context like Singapore. (Description).

For example, in schools, various platforms such as assemblies, Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) lessons, and the celebration of important festivals can serve as effective means to impart knowledge about the contributions of diverse racial and ethnic groups to Singapore's history, culture, and development. By integrating these aspects into the curriculum, students are exposed to the rich tapestry of Singapore's diversity. (Example)

Education facilitates the development of understanding and appreciation among students, leading to increased empathy. By implementing strategies that promote understanding and appreciation among different racial and ethnic groups, the foundation for lasting harmony can be established. Through education, students gain insights into various communities , nurturing a sense of shared heritage and unity. These attitudes collectively contribute to the ongoing preservation of racial harmony in Singapore (Explanation).

In my opinion, another strategy to preserve racial harmony in Singapore is the Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP). It was introduced by the Singaporean government to ensure a balanced racial mix in public housing estates. The quota system prevents the formation of racial enclaves. (Description) 

For instance, a certain percentage of units in public housing blocks are reserved for each major racial group, thus promoting a diverse and integrated living environment (Example). 

The EIP encourages social interactions, fostering understanding and friendships across racial lines The EIP preserves racial harmony it contributes to the overall goal of racial harmony by creating opportunities for individuals from different racial backgrounds to coexist and interact on a daily basis. This thus, facilitates the exchange of cultural experiences and promotes a sense of unity and shared identity among Singapore's diverse population (Explanation).

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