Youth and Env

In your opinion, how can youths be more environmentally responsible in Singapore? Explain your answer using two ways.  

Youths should do more for the environment so as to be environmentally responsible.

One way for youths to be more environmentally responsible in Singapore is to encourage the formation of eco-friendly student organisations in schools and universities. These clubs can organise competitions related to sustainability, such as eco-innovation contests or climate-awareness campaigns. When students take the lead in forming climate clubs and organising sustainability initiatives, they inspire their peers to get involved. [Describtion] 

For example, in ITE East there is a club called The Green Ambossador club where students organise workshops and seminars specifically designed for young people. They invite climate experts and activists to engage with them, discuss climate issues, and inspire action. [Example] (

This peer-to-peer influence can create a ripple effect, leading to a greater number of environmentally responsible young individuals.  These organisations not only educate and empower students but also contribute to a more sustainable future for the country by fostering a culture of environmental awareness and action. [Explanation]

Another way for youths to be more environmentally responsible is to incorporate environmental sustainability education in schools. [Describtion]

This can include topics such as the science of climate change, its impacts on Singapore, and practical solutions. [Example]

Through integrating climate change and environmental sustainability into the curriculum, it is also nurturing a mindset of responsibility, stewardship, and activism among the youth. By doing so, there is a generation of Singaporeans who are not only aware of environmental challenges but actively engaged in finding and implementing solutions to address them.