1. Sustainable development in tourism

Sustainable tourism development

Transforming Singapore towards sustainable tourism and urban living

Sustainable tourism is becoming a bigger concept in Singapore, where they are prepared to address traveller needs and reconsider their carbon output. Read this article to see how Singapore is achieving this.  

Based on the article, answer the following question:

Based on the information given in the infographic, what do you understand by the concept of sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism development

Tourism that takes full account of its current and future 


economic, and 

environmental impacts, 

addressing the needs of 


the industry, 

the environment 

and host communities.

Click this link to read more 

Using Graphicer Organiser to make notes

Now that you have an understanding of sustainable tourism development, make notes while you continue to read the following resources. But first consider the various organizers you can use.

Click this link to see the various organizers you can use.

Choose one to help you organize the notes as you read.

How does tourism development help achieve sustainable development? 

When responsibly planned and managed, 

tourism has demonstrated its capacity to:

1. support job creation

2. promote inclusive social integration

3. protect natural and cultural heritage

4. conserve biodiversity

5. generate sustainable livelihoods

6. improve human wellbeing

Textbook reading

a. tourism development should continually provide employment opportunities and income growth (TxBk p.53)

b. tourism development should result in more social services that raise local standards of living (TxBk p.53)

a. tourism development should respect the authenticity of local communities, practices, and art forms (TxBk p.54)

b. contribute to intercultural understanding and tolerance (TxBk p.54)

a. tourism development should maintain essential ecological processes (TxBk p.54)

b. and conserve natural heritage and protect biodiversity (TxBk p.54)