Singapore's four taps

Here are several resources that you can read about the four taps. Choose one. 

Each star indicates the difficulty level. One * is the basic level and *** is the most difficult.

Our Water Story (***)

How to answer a structured question.

Remember the acronym D.E.E.P

D == Define and Describe

E == Explanation

E == Example

P == Make your point by answering the question.

Let try. (Class discussion)

Using D.E.E.P.

a. Choose one of the four taps. Define and describe this tap.

b. Explain how this tap ensure water sustainability in Singapore. Give a reason why you think it is the most important.

c. Provide an example to support your answer.

d. Conclude by stating that the tap you have chosen is the most important way that  will ensure Singapore's water sustainability.

Here are a few videos about Singapore sustainability You can watch them to get the examples for the above essay.