Do you think that foreign manpower brings more positive than negative effects to Singapore? Explain your answer. 

Foreign manpower can bring positive effects to Singapore. Singapore’s diverse society brings together people with different backgrounds, qualifications, and experiences to share their knowledge and skills. This could lead to the creation of new ideas, methods, and products. [Description]

For example, Thermo Fisher which is a multi-national company in Singapore collaborates with Singapore-based design firms, universities and research institutions such as A*Star to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) and PCR test kits during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Example]

This is a benefit for Singapore because our foreign manpower can help to complement the local workforce by plugging existing skills gaps and bringing about knowledge transfers. Diverse teams bring in their variety of perspectives, and world views and this would result in the development of high-performing teams in our workforce as well. [Explanation]

However, foreign manpower can have negative effects on Singapore. In a diverse society, differences in cultural backgrounds can sometimes lead to conflicting views on values, beliefs, practices and perspectives. This can lead to negative sentiments causing people to jump to conclusions about others, forming stereotypes which can lea to prejudice and discrimination. [Description]

For example, a former Permanent Resident (PR) exhibited prejudice towards the locals when he made a social media post describing the public transport commuters as ‘smelly’ and ‘poor’. [Example]

This is a challenge for Singapore as such attitudes and behaviours can lead to resentment and strained relationships among groups of people in Singapore, which could to tensions and conflict in society. [Explanation]

I think that foreign manpower brings more positive effects than negative effects to Singapore. [Make a stand]

The benefits are significant in helping improve society’s productivity and reduce future social problems, thus ensuring Singapore’s long-term progress. Furthermore, the challenges could be managed by changing the attitudes of Singaporeans through education so that they will have a more open mindset to welcome foreign manpower. The government has also implemented measures such as the Fair Consideration Framework to promote local hiring and ensure employers give fair consideration to Singaporeans in job opportunities. Hence, since the challenges can be managed, the benefits are thus more significant.