Do you think that the exchange and appreciation of culture has a greater impact than the prejudice and misconceptions that can take place while living in a diverse society? Explain your answer. 

One positive experience of living in a diverse society would be opportunities for cultural exchange and appreciation. As foreigners come from different countries and ethnicities, they bring with them their unique culture and traditions where Singaporeans can learn more from. [Description]

One example would be through fashion, where fusion between local cultures and foreign ideas can occur. Ms Ifeoma, founder of OlivaAnkara came to Singapore initially to work under a global chemical company. However, upon her arrival, she found that Singapore lacked avenues where African culture could flourish. Hence, she started her company OliveAnkara in 2017 selling African prints and clothing. Here she creates a fusion of both Singaporean and African prints. It is now a well-known brand among both Singaporeans and foreigners in Singapore. [Example]

Through the increase in foreigners and it diversity, we see and learn about other people. This deepens our understanding of the various cultures and traditions that we might otherwise not be exposed to. This allows Singaporeans to appreciate and respect other cultures but also aids in making Singapore a more peaceful and accepting country.  [Explanation]

Prejudices and misconceptions may lead to negative experiences among people living in a diverse society. Prejudices happen when there is a negative belief held by one social group about another social group and it can disrupt the social cohesion of Singapore. Such beliefs can result in threats to diversity and may lead to discrimination against the victims, making them feel excluded from interactions in a diverse society. [Description]

For example, in 2010, a pastor of a large Christian church made contentious remarks about Buddhism in a video. The video drew a lot of backlash online and he was questioned by the Internal Security Department (ISD) [Example]

This shows that it will create disharmony and unhappiness between the religions involved. This will lead to distrust and suspicions among people. Any potential misunderstandings may result in a conflict or even a racial riot and violence if they are not handled well. This will upset the peace and stability of the society and thus disrupt the social cohesion of Singapore. [Explanation]

I agree that the exchange and appreciation of culture is a more significant effect of living in a diverse society than prejudice and misconceptions. [Make a stand] 

Even though the repercussions of prejudice and misconceptions are severe, they  can be mitigated by greater understanding between people of different races and nationalities. Hence, the effects of cultural fusion and appreciation can be felt by all and greatly value add to their lives.