Engagement channel

Extract 1 shows various REACH (Reaching Everyone for Active Citizenry @ Home) engagement channels. The channels provide citizens the opportunity to communicate with the government and give feedback about their policies and decisions. 

In your opinion, what are some benefits of these engagement channels? Explain your answer with reference to two benefits.    

One benefit is it would help Singaporeans develop a sense of belonging. As the REACH platform provides Singaporeans a channel to give their feedback on issues, they will feel that they have a part to play in deciding what is good for Singapore and for themselves. [Description]

For example, during the Singapore Together movement, Singaporeans are encouraged to partner with the government and one another to shape and act on their future. [Example]

As a result, when Singaporeans feel that they have a take in Singapore’s future, they develop a greater sense of belonging as their voices are heard by the government and become connected with the leaders of the country.  [Explanation]

Another benefit is it provides Singaporeans a convenient way to get help. As the REACH platform provides Singaporeans a channel to communicate with the government, they can seek help through Social Media platforms using their smartphones. [Description] As a result, when Singaporeans communicate their concerns and needs through the platforms, their requests are sent to the government and respective agencies. The government and respective agencies would become aware of the concerns and work at helping the citizen to address his issues. Overall, the platforms assure that citizens can seek help fast and conveniently. [Explanation]

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