Web Development

The Internet!

Intro to HTML

Activities & Resources

Over the next weeks you will be learning how to create a basic webpage using HTML and CSS. The class will follow  the Code.org  web development course!

Eventually you will publish your webpage through CodeHS.

Basic tags - Paragraphs and headers

Skills we are learning:

The paragraph <p> tag and the heading <h> tags

You know you are done when:

You have a webpage that has at least one heading and at least one paragraph. Example.

Start with the basic formatting tags for  headings and paragraphs.

Create a new page with notepad. Use the HTML tags you have just learned. Use the page to tell your teacher a bit about you and the things you like. It should look something like this.

If you want to learn more and extend yourself, have a look at w3schools. It is an excellent reference site. 

Optional: do the activities in code.org

Adding images

Skills we are learning:

The image tag <img> and alt text

You know you are done when:

You have a webpage that displays at least one image from the web and one image from your computer. Both images will have alt text. Example.

The next tag to learn is the <img> tag 



Skills we are learning:

The anchor tag <a> to create links

You know you are done when:

You have a webpage that has:

Next, add links. Links are what makes the web. They are how you navigate between pages and around a site. What sort of webpage doesn't have them



Skills we are learning:

The <ul> and <ol> lists and the <li> tag

You know you are done when:

You have a webpage that has:

Learn how to create lists in your webpage. Lists are great for organising and displaying all sorts of information


Introducing CodeHS

Skills we are learning:

To use an online IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for web development.

Sharing your website

You know you are done when:

Your CodeHS site will have a page with an example of each skill,  a second page and an uploaded image.

The skills to show are

You will have shared the link to your page. Example

Host your site with CodeHS, then share it with friends!

Some useful extra links:

Working with CodeHS

Introducing CSS

Skills we are learning:

The <style> tag, CSS rules and the background-color property

You know you are done when:

You have a webpage that has:

Learn about how you use CSS to add colo(u)r to the page.

Untitled presentation

Play with the font

Skills we are learning:

The font-family, font-size, color properties

You know you are done when:

You have a webpage that has:

How your text looks says a lot about your site. 

Learn about how you use CSS to change the font and the size.

Play with the different fonts and sizes. Go crazy! What does font size 2000 look like?

Once you have done the Progate activities, keep building your introduction page in CodeHS.  It should look something like this.

Google supplies a huge library of free to use fonts. Getting them working is a bit tricky but w3schools has a good tutorial. Have a go if you are feeling adventurous.

CSS text

Changing size with width and height

Skills we are learning:

The width and height properties

You know you are done when:

You have a webpage that has:

Learn how to set the size of your HTML elements.

This is really good for layout!

CSS Width and height

Selecting things with classes

Skills we are learning:

Selecting HTML with the class attribute

You know you are done when:

You have a webpage that has:

Learn how to style specific parts of your webpage with classes

This is really good for layout!

CSS Classes

HTML Page structure

Skills we are learning:

How to use the proper tags to structure a page

You know you are done when:

You have a webpage that has:

Learn how to style specific parts of your webpage with classes

This is really good for layout!

HTML page structure

Title reference

Favicon reference

HTML page structure

HTML Structure: Div and span

Skills we are learning:

How to use div and span to structure a page

You know you are done when:

You have a webpage that has at least:

Learn how to style specific parts of your webpage with divs and spans

This is really good for layout!

div reference

span reference

HTML structure: Div

Advanced layout: columns with Flexboxes

Skills we are learning:

How to use flexbox to put html elements 

You know you are done when:

You have a webpage that has at least:

Putting HTML elements side by side. using flexbox.


Flexbox game

Columns with Flexboxes

Advanced layout: Margin, border, padding

Skills we are learning:

How to use the CSS Box Model adjust the look of our HTML elements 

You know you are done when:

You have a webpage that has at least two different elements that have different:

Adjust the size of your HTML elements by using borders, margins and padding.

CSS Box model

CSS Box Sizing

Advanced layout: Margin, border, padding

Design principles: Color and contrast

Skills we are learning:

How to use color and contrast well

You know you are done when:

You have at least five copies of this webpage, all styled differently using color.

Learning to use color wisely to create a good looking website.

Some useful extra links:

Design: Contrast

Design principles: Hierarchy

Skills we are learning:

How to use some basic design ideas to create a hierarchy.

You know you are done when:

You have at least five copies of this webpage, you have used different tools to create a hierarchy in each.

Learning to create a hierarchy to help people navigate your website.

Some useful extra links:

Design: Heirarchy

Mini project - Profile web page

Now time to get started on the project!

Need help with HTML and CSS - W3schools has everything you need to know

Colour representation
HTML & CSS Cheat sheet.pdf