1) A-Frame - Skills 

A- Frame Course 

A-Frame is a web framework for building virtual reality (VR) experiences. A-Frame is based on top of HTML, making it simple to get started. But A-Frame is not just a 3D scene graph or a markup language; the core is a powerful entity-component framework that provides a declarative, extensible, and composable structure to three.js. 

A-Frame supports most VR headsets such as Vive, Rift, Windows Mixed Reality, Daydream, GearVR, Cardboard, Oculus Go, and can even be used for augmented reality. Although A-Frame supports the whole spectrum, A-Frame aims to define fully immersive interactive VR experiences that go beyond basic 360° content, making full use of positional tracking and controllers. 


A-Frame Documentation

A-Frame Lessons 

Start by joining the class Codehs. Each task is to be done in a separate project.

Task 1 - Build a basic scene in A-Frame

Learning goal - In this project, you will learn how to set up a scene using A-Frame and add in entities. 

 By the end of the project, you will - 

Complete this task in codehs  project number 1. Submit it when you are finished. 

1) Build a basic sence with A-frame

Task 2 - Bring in 3D models 

Learning goal - In this project, you will learn how to export models you have made in Blender and bring them into the A-Frame scene. 

 By the end of the project, you will - 


Complete this task in codehs project number 2. Submit it when you are finished. 

2) Bring in 3D models

Task 3 - Animations 

Learning goal - In this project, you will learn how to animate shapes in A-Frame. 

 By the end of the project, you will - 

Complete this task in codehs project number 3. Submit it when you are finished. 

3) Animations

Task 4 - Lighting and shading

Learning goal - In this project, you will learn how to add in lighting and shading to your scene and used GitHub to save versions of the trials of the different lights.

 By the end of the project, you will - 

Complete this task in codehs project number 4. Submit it when you are finished. 

4) Lighting & shading

Task 5 - Camera controls and movement

Learning goal - In this project, you will learn how to manipulate the camera and add movement controls

 By the end of the project, you will - 

Complete this task in CodeHS project number 5.

The camera and movement controls

Task 6 - Navmesh

Learning goal - In this project, you will learn how to create a navmesh to constrain the user to an area of the scene and not allow them to walk through walls/ obstacles. 

 By the end of the project, you will - 

Complete this task in codehs project number 5. Submit it when you are finished. 

The Navmesh creator needs a simple scene. Some things that will break it are:

5) Nav Mesh

Task 7a - Checkpoint: Create a gallery

Learning goal - In this project, you will learn practice the skills you have learned so far

 By the end of the project, you will - 

Follow the slides to know what is expected. 

Complete this task in codehs project Gallery Checkpoint. Submit it when you are finished. 

Checkpoint: Create a simple gallery

Task 7b - Recapping HTML/ CSS and creating a landing page for your webVR scene. 

Learning goal - In this project, you will learn how to create a landing page/ Splash screen for your WebVR experience.  

By the end of the project you will -

Follow the slides to know what is expected. 

Task 7c - Add this to the gallery project you made in the checkpoint task

 By the end of the project, you will - 

Complete this task in codehs project number 6. Submit it when you are finished. 

6a) Recapping HTML
6) Landing Screen

Extension tasks

 have a look at the links below at things you might want to add to your project. For example, interactivity and sound.

Extension - Basic interactions

Learning goal - In this project, you will learn to trigger animations in your a-frame scene

 By the end of the task, you will have - 

Follow the slides to know what is expected. 

Interactivity: animations
Interactivity: controlling the scene