
A good place to start

What is the internet

wires, cables & wifi - more of interest


IP addresses & DNS

Packets, routing & reliability



IP addresses & DNS

A basic description of DNS

If you didn't like the one above, try this

Another more in-depth description of DNS of DNS

DNS nuaghtyness





If you encounter the issue below like this one....

You can use this command below to fix it, it will add the keys for the linux distro.

  sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 49023CD01DE21A7B

(you may just need to change the key value to correspond with your error)

port forwarding

Use the internet look up security issues with port forwarding...

network monitoring

what is ICMP?

traceroute is used to display the physical routing path between 2 internet devices communicating with each other. It maps out the journey from one router to another - sometimes called a hop. Using traceroute to diagnose network problems can help administrators locate the source of a network delay.

ping is a simpler traceroute. It sends out pings -- also referred to as echo request message -- and the measures the amount of time it takes the message to reach its destination and return the source. These replies are called echo reply messages. Pings are useful for gathering latency information about a specific device. Unlike traceroute, ping does not provide a picture map of the routing layout.



rough layout of components

Performance specifications of components

Note 1: Actual speeds depend heavily on how you are reading  the data. For example; when reading data from a disk, speeds are far higher when you are reading adjacent blocks of data as opposed to reading the same amount of data if it is spread throughout a disk. However they do give an indication of relative speeds of the components.

Note 2: Device seeds are given MB/s or Mega Bytes per second, whilst  network speeds are given as Mb/s or Mega bits per second. You can convert Mb/s into MB/s by dividing by the Mb/s value by 8 (computers use 8-bits per byte)

6 networking tutorials from scratch


"On the 25th of November 2019, RIPE NCC made the final /22 IPv4 allocation from the last remaining addresses in the available pool and has officially run out of IPv4 addresses. "


Networks connect devices, devices share information

To share information, they must speak the same language - this language is called a protocol.

Network types:  SOHO network,  enterprise network, LAN, WAN

Detail on copper  & fibre cabling

Mentions that  Ethernet protocol is specified by  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers  (IEEE).  Ethernet standard  is:  IEEE_802.3

Network protocols - several need to interact to send data over a network.

How they interact can be complicated and that is why we have Network models:.

This video is on the OSI model - owned by the International Standards Organisation (ISO)

IP Addressing.pdf

VLSM - Variable Length Subnet Masks

unicast, broadcast & multicast.

IP addresses are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

Static,  dynamic IP Addresses and IPAPA addressing.


TCP/IP model - in competition to the OSI model.

Developed by the US Department of Defense. and become the most popular network model. Actively took into account existing protocols.

This model is in competition to the OSI model.

Covers http and therefore TCP and IP protocls.

Looking at specific protocols

Who manages the protocols?

OSI and TCP/IP Layers & associated protocols


A simple overview


A bit more in depth


A bit more in-depth than the video at the top of the web page

The 5 layer network model is the TCP/IP model.

Goes into detail with UDP and TCP protocols.




The Future and Protocols

From:  APNIC - Internet protocols are changing


When the Internet started to become widely used in the 1990s, most traffic used just a few protocols: IPv4 routed packets, TCP turned those packets into connections, SSL (later TLS) encrypted those connections, DNS named hosts to connect to, and HTTP was often the application protocol using it all.

For many years, there were negligible changes to these core Internet protocols.

As a result, network operators, vendors, and policymakers that want to improve (and sometimes, control) the Internet have adopted a number of practices based upon the official protocol to tweak things, whether intended to debug issues, improve quality of service, or impose policy.  

Now, significant changes to the core Internet protocols are underway. While they are intended to be compatible with the Internet at large (since they won’t get adoption otherwise), they might be disruptive to those who have taken liberties with undocumented aspects of protocols or made an assumption that things won’t change. 

Why we need to change the Internet

There are a number of factors driving these changes.

This translates into a strong motivation to evolve or replace those protocols because there is a large body of experience showing the impact of even small performance gains.

You can read about these further by going to the APNIC site referenced above.

Determining the best network  path

from CISCO

Determining the best path involves the evaluation of multiple paths to the same destination network and selecting the optimum or shortest path to reach that network. Whenever multiple paths to the same network exist, each path uses a different exit interface on the router to reach that network.

The best path is selected by a routing protocol based on the value or metric it uses to determine the distance to reach a network. A metric is the quantitative value used to measure the distance to a given network. The best path to a network is the path with the lowest metric.

Dynamic routing protocols typically use their own rules and metrics to build and update routing tables. The routing algorithm generates a value, or a metric, for each path through the network. Metrics can be based on either a single characteristic or several characteristics of a path. Some routing protocols can base route selection on multiple metrics, combining them into a single metric.

The following lists some dynamic protocols and the metrics they use:

in case you thought networks were networks...