Photoshop & Illustrator skills

Before getting started on Photoshop and Illustrator.  It's time to learn a little about:

Comp Sci Topic: Files and file types

Below are a set of mini skills which will help you level up your abilities in Photoshop and Illustrator.

Present all of the images you create from the skills on your portfolio website. 

You will also cover some Computer Science Topics. Your teacher will quiz you on these at the end of the unit.

1) Setting up files and folders 

Adobe Photoshop Skills

Intro to Adobe Photoshop

photoshop worksheet.pdf
Image properties1.pptx


You will learn how to,

Pop Art 

You will learn how to,

pop art tutorial

Low poly art 

You will learn how to, 

Low-poly art

Selection tools

Learning the selection tools

Apply using selection tools 

Untitled presentation

Computer Science Concept: Compression

Adobe Illustrator Skills

File types 

Vector vs Raster

Screen recording - click here 

Copy of Vector and raster images.pdf

Intro to Adobe Illustrator

Illustrator worksheet.pdf

The Pen tool!

One of the most powerful tools in Illustrator is the Pen tool.

It is also one of the harder ones to learn.

These games will help you learn the basics

Adobe's Pen tool game or The Bezier Game

Practice the Pen tool!

The pen tool takes a lot of practice to master. Practice tracing these shapes. The column on the left shows where the nodes should be.

How to set up:

Tracing images with the pen tool

Digital artists use the pen tool to create the lines and boundaries in their art. Often they trace over a reference image. It might be a sketch, a photo or anything else.

The process for this goes:

Find an image to trace. You can use these birds if you can't find of one your own.

TLDR: Pen tool is awesome, but takes time

Coloring your drawing

Color your tracing with the live paint bucket tool.

Once you have the lines you can use the live paint bucket to fill in the color.

The process for this goes:

When you have finished coloring

Check out 3:09 where they demonstrate coloring in an illustration.

Extra stuff - Extension, if you dare...

Adding Text with the text tools

Illustrator: Type tool

Text tools

Text Tools