

matter.js a 2D physics engine for the web

Watch the videos below or go to the matter.js website for information.

You will need to:

tasks that matter

Remember  copy the matter.js library into your P5.js web editor folder & add a link to it in your html <head>

TASK ONE: dropping things

Play around with the code below:


// Uses matter.js to make a box fall due to gravity


var boxSize = 30;

// module aliases

var Engine   = Matter.Engine,

    Render  = Matter.Render,

    World  = Matter.World,

    Bodies  = Matter.Bodies;

var engine;

var world;

var boxA;


function setup() {

  createCanvas(450, 900);

  // create an engine, a world & its bodies

  engine = Engine.create();

  world =;

  boxA = Bodies.rectangle(width/2, 0, boxSize, boxSize);

  World.add(world, boxA);



function draw() {

  background(193, 40, 114);


  rect(boxA.position.x, boxA.position.y, boxSize, boxSize);


  // when the box reaches the canvas' bottom, 

  // remove it & add a new one

 if(boxA.position.y > height - boxSize) {

    World.remove(world, boxA);


    boxA = Bodies.rectangle(width/2, 0, boxSize, boxSize);


    // add the randomly coloured box to the world    

  World.add(world, boxA);




TASK TWO:  friction & restitution

Play around with the code below:


// module aliases

var Engine = Matter.Engine,

    Render = Matter.Render,

    World  = Matter.World,

    Bodies = Matter.Bodies;

var engine;

var world;

var boxes = [];

var ground;

var boxSize = 10;


function boxObj (x, y, w, h) {

  this.body = Bodies.rectangle(x, y, w, h,

              {friction: 0.3, restitution: 0.5});

  this.w = w;

  this.h = h;

  World.add(world, this.body);


  this.disp = function() {

    var pos = this.body.position;

    var angle = this.body.angle;



    translate(pos.x, pos.y);



    rect(0, 0, this.w, this.h);





function setup() {

  createCanvas(430, 390);


  // create an engine, a world & its bodies

  engine = Engine.create();

  world =;

  ground = Bodies.rectangle(width/2, height, width, 20, {isStatic: true});

  World.add(world, ground);




function draw() {

  background(140, 140, 140);



  for (i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {




  rect(ground.position.x, ground.position.y, width, 20);




function mousePressed() {

  boxes.push(new boxObj(mouseX, mouseY, boxSize, boxSize));



TASK THREE:  bouncing balls

Play around with your TASK TWO code: