HCI External

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#1 Visibility of system status


"this heuristic refers to how well the state of the system is conveyed to the user"

"systems should always keep users informed about what is going on with appropriate feedback within a reasonable time"

"this system status could be persistent or always visible like a battery life or a WiFi indicator  OR  

it could be feedback that is only shown after a user has done something"

When users know the current system status, they learn the outcome of their prior interactions and determine next steps. Predictable interactions create trust in the product as well as the brand.

Some websites may not have many examples of this heuristic. 

If they don't have anything to process you won't see a loading bar etc

#2 Match between the system and the real world


"speak the user's language with words, concepts and phrases familiar to the user"

"follow real-world conventions,  making sure information appears in a logical order"

Skeuomorphism describes interface objects that mimic their real-world counterparts in how they appear and/or how the user can interact with them. EG: the recycle bin icon used for discarding files. 

When a design’s controls follow real-world conventions and correspond to desired outcomes (called natural mapping), it’s easier for users to learn and remember how the interface works. This helps to build an experience that feels intuitive. 


Is the information presented in a natural order?

#3 User control and freedom


"users sometimes often choose a function by mistake and need a clearly marked exit...  Basically support undo and redo"

When it's easy for people to back out of a process or undo an action, it fosters a sense of freedom and confidence. Exits allow users to remain in control of the system and avoid getting stuck and feeling frustrated. 

Some websites may not have many examples of this heuristic


#4 Consistency and standards


"ensures that the interface is predicable and learnable"

There are two categories:

Users spend most of their time on other sites. This means that users prefer your site to work the same way as all the other sites they already know. 

Failing to maintain consistency may increase the users' cognitive load by forcing them to learn something new. 

Internal consistency - consistent within itself:

#5 Error prevention


"stop errors before they happen"

"prevent simple annoyances"

" have an undo button to prevent errors becoming permanent"

Our attention is as limited as our tolerance for stuff that doesn’t work. Most people who run into errors on our apps just move on to something else. 

Error prevention can help enable lower rates of user errors, and ultimately improve usability. 

Websites that request little in the way of user input may not have many examples of this heuristic

#6 Recognition rather than recall


"minimising user work is essential for a good user experience"

"a menu is the most classic example of recognition based user interface"

Humans have limited short-term memories. Interfaces that promote recognition reduce the amount of cognitive effort required from users. 

#7 Flexibility and efficiency of use


"flexible processes can be carried out in different ways, so a user can pick which ever method suits them"

"that flexibility helps a user be more efficient"

"an accelerator is any option which helps speed up an interaction or process" - like Ctrl-c for copy

Use accelerators to make the interface "efficient for experts and friendly for newbies"

A user will be more efficient and therefore have a better experience if a system is flexible enough to cater for their experience level. Novice users require guidance whilst experienced users require short cuts and accelerators.

Some websites may not have many examples of this heuristic

#8 Aesthetic and minimalist design


"keeping your content focused on the essentials"

"aim for a high signal to noise ratio" - where signal is relevant information and noise is not

"important to prioritise your content and features"

"communicate don't decorate"

Our brain can only process limited information at a time. Sometimes, the interface is too cluttered which makes it very difficult for us to focus or function properly.


#9 Helps users recognise, diagnose and recovery from errors


"three recommendations:"

Increase user satisfaction by designing the error messages with human readable language and by guiding & providing the solution on how to solve or to recover from it. 

Websites that request little in the way of user input may not have many examples of this heuristic

#10 Help and documentation


help documentation:

Help & documentation is a must if you’re looking for better user experience. You don’t want them to exit your interface and choose your competitor.