Interface Study: Hutt Valley Library
The interface we will study in class is the Hutt Valley Library.
The first thing to do is to try using the site. See if you can complete the tasks below. As you work through them think about everything you have learned about usability. Try to notice how the site uses the Heuristics and other usability principles
Familiarisation tasks - this quiz has the answers:
Find the book: “The design of everyday things” by Don Norman
Work out how to place a reserve on it - get to the “sign up page”
Find out how many books the library has by Don Norman do they have?
Test the sign up form for the library (Use false details - use the name "Test")
What happens if you get some thing wrong - like a bad phone number?
Find opening hours for your local library
Find out what to do if you lose a book
Get a book recommendation for a teen