For web Practice taks use the CodeHS module - 11DTEC website

And CodeHs lesson - 11DTEC practice website

Web Development - What languages are we learning???

Watch the video to the right to learn more about HTML, CSS & JS.

HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language.

CSS = Cascading Style Sheet.

JS = JavaScript.

Digital Profile - HTML & CSS Skills practice project 

Follow the lessons below with support from your teacher to code a practice website with the purpose of introducing yourself to the teacher so they can get to know you, the content should include, 

Please note: Your teacher is the only one who will see this site unless you share the site with someone else.  

The tasks below will step you through creating this site. Once you have completed them you can start the 10 credit website assessment.

Task 1 - Introduction to HTML

Learning goal - We are learning to set up a base structure of HTML 

1) Intro to HTML

Task 2 - Elements, Attributes, Headings and Paragraphs

Learning Goal - We are learning how to use tags to format text on our site. 

Ko ____ tōku ingoa

My name is ____

Nō ____ ōku tīpuna

My ancestors are from ____

Kei te noho au ki ____

I live in ____

2) Elements, attributes, headings and paragraphs

Task 3 - Lists

Learning goal - We are learning how to create two different types of lists, an unordered list and an ordered list. 

3) Lists

Task 4 - Images

Learning goal - We are learning how to add images to the site. 

4) Images

Task 5 - links

Learning goal - We are learning how to add hyperlinks to the website so the user can navigate between pages.

5) Links

Task 6 -  Intro to CSS styling

Learning goal- We are learning how to improve the look of the site using CSS.

Note - Leave changing the layout we will look at that soon, along with applying styles to only one or a group of elements, not all elements. 

6) Styling with CSS

Task 7 - Layout

Learning goal - We are learning how to use HTML semantic tags to organise the content of the website into sections and style them. 

7) Layout

Task 8 - Classes and IDs 

Learning goal - We are learning the difference between ID's and Classes 

8) IDs and Classes

Task 9 - Flexbox 

Learning goal - We are learning how to use flexbox to position content on the page. 


For an example of what this could look like:

Note: The container is the box that is holding the smaller boxes inside which are the items. 

10) Flexbox for layout

Apply what you have learnt so far to finish off the home page and one other page. 

Get the teacher to look over your website, before moving onto the next tasks.

Task 10 - Improving the design and ease of use of your website. 

10) Making the website look good

Task 11 - Improving the efficiency of your website

11a) File management

File Management

11b) Validating HTML

HTML Validation

11c) Aspect ratio

Aspect Ratio

11d) Validating HTML

Code Comments

Task 12 - Improving accessibility

Get the teacher to look over your work and give you feedback

You may then start the project 

Extension - CSS Grid

Learning goal - We are learning how to use CSS Grid to create complex layouts 

Extension CSS Grid basics

Extension - Detecting Screen Size

Learning goal - We are learning how to use basic media queries 

Extension - Detecting screen size

Extension - Responsive grid

Learning goal - We are learning how to use CSS Grid to create different layouts for different screen sizes 

Extension - Responsive grid

Extension - How to use the W3.CSS framework to make your website more professional.

12) w3.css framework