Nov 30- Dec 4th



“Choose Kindness” is our motto for this month as being kind, respectful and empathetic towards each other is more important than ever at this time. Our school continues to practice gratitude as research has shown that “ fostering gratitude can lead to, among other benefits, student’s greater satisfaction with school and life, optimism, pro-social behaviour, positive affect, and a higher GPA” (NASP, 2010). This can be difficult at times in the current situation we are facing with constant changes, but I can assure you that this works. We have included a tip sheet for parents with fun and easy activities to do at home to foster and grow an attitude of gratitude below.

I would like to express thanks on behalf of the entire staff and Bellevue School Families to our School Council and Fundraising Society members. This small group of dedicated volunteers does much of the work on behalf of our parents. Your commitment does not go unnoticed, and we all appreciate you.

I truly hope everyone has the chance to spend time at home. Being able to slow down and take time for each other is a gift. I wish everyone a fantastic month and all the best over the holidays.

Mme El-Khatib


If you would like to refer your child, please complete this form. Children will be recognized and entered into a draw. We cannot wait to read all of the great things that students are doing at school and at home.


You can sign up to pick up your Poinsettia orders online

The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, December 2 by 6pm. We have to days for pick up:

Thursday, December 3 from 6-8pm

Friday, December 4 from 9am-2pm

Please note: Please use the staff parking lot or front street to park. Come to the outside gymnasium doors (by the portables and the shed on the west side of the school). A staff member will greet you and bring your order outside to you.


We will continue to have "In-person" school until December 18th. Thank you again, for all that you do with keeping kids home when ill and following AHS guidelines. Please stay home as much as possible and not get together in groups. It is more important than ever. After Christmas Vacation, we will have "At Home Learning" from January 4-8th and will return to in-person learning on January 11th. All of the new information is found on this document.

Black Gold School Division 2020-2021 At-Home Learning Plan.


December 2 - Early Dismissal- NO SCHOOL FOR KINDERGARTEN OR PK

December 4 - PD DAY- no school


December 11th- Anything Holidays and Christmas

December 16th- Red, White, or Green Holiday Theme

December 18th- PJ Day