Jan 25-28

JANUARY 25- 28th, 2021


We need your help. The front of our school is getting busier and more congested with cars. We have noticed a lot of cars are parking and waiting in our “kiss and go” lane in the morning and after school. This lane is a drop off lane. It is not intended for parents to park and wait for students before and after school.

If you arrive early, we ask that you please park further down the street, across the street or in the community centre parking lot. We are very fortunate to have plenty of parking. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students require hand to hand drop off, so this extra parking is a blessing.

The goal of this lane is to allow for quick drop offs and not to be used for parking. Most importantly, idling vehicles where our students, staff and parents walk is not good for anyone’s health and safety. Please help us restore our “Kiss and Go” lane back to its original intention.

Another reminder is that the Bus Loop is for buses only. We do not recommend that parents drive down the alley to drop students off. This is getting worrisome, as there have been near accidents, from parents driving either direction. The alley is not wide enough and there are many students walking home.

We always worry about our student safety and there is a lot of foot traffic and we want to make sure we our students are safe.


Just a reminder, report cards will be emailed out on February 1st. They will be ready for viewing online on Thursday, January 28.


Just a friendly reminder that you cannot drop off items that your child has forgotten. As mentioned in our Return to School document, to follow safety Covid guidelines, we are not accepting lunches, library books, water bottles, etc to be dropped off in the office. If your child forgets his/her lunch or water bottle, we will provide lunch for your child and a cup for water. Please help us ensure your child has what they need each day. Unfortunately, we are still in the middle of everything and we want to do our part to make a positive contribution to it ending as soon as possible. If you bring something to be dropped off, it can not be accepted by our office staff.