Feb 8-12

FEBRUARY 8 - 12, 2021


We appreciate all of the support from our school community. We have to continue to remain diligent here at school with our guidelines. We are noticing a lot of students forgetting their masks, not social distancing, not wearing their masks properly, and personal hygiene. We appreciate parents reinforcing expectations at home. We all want to be here at school and your support is appreciated. Even wearing a mask outside, while waiting to pick up your kids.


We had many great designs submitted by our students for our Pink Shirt Day Contest. Zephyra in grade 6 was the winner! Her design was the inspiration for our Pink Shirt for this year. Thank you to JJ’s Screen Printing for setting this up and supporting this initiative. You can purchase your own Zephyra designed Pink Shirt at https://bellevuepinkshirt.itemorder.com/

The deadline to order is Friday, February 12. We will be displaying the hundreds of other t-shirt design entries all over our school. We were amazed by the students' ideas and positive messages!


We have continued sharing our staff’s joyful moments here at school. It has been great. We would like to share a few with you. Many students commented on finding their joy when they got a chance to finally get on our outdoor rink. We really appreciate having a rink on our school site and for the City of Beaumont the maintenance.

Another joyful moment was shared by Mrs. Duke and Mrs. Brodersen. These two teachers really appreciate laughter and find much joy in being able to laugh with others and their students. A couple of recesses ago, poor Mrs. Duke slipped down the hill and could not get back up. She and Mrs. Brodersen were laughing so much, as she continued to slide down the hill!


This program for Grade 5 and 6 students is continuing for the remainder of the year. If you are interested in joining, please contact Mr. Larson at:



Our PK students really enjoyed messy play this week. Messy play has many great benefits. It is great for focus, physical skills, cooperation and communication. But most importantly, it is a lot of fun.