Feb 1-3

FEBRUARY 1- 3, 2021


During the month of February, we are looking for and celebrating joyful moments at our school. Joy is an internal feeling that leads to our own happiness. In times like these, finding moments of joy, is very helpful to our overall mental health. Often we overlook or do not seek out these experiences. Mr. Larson shared his joy in being outside and going for a walk. Mrs. El Khatib shared how she enjoys seeing all of the students at the crosswalk each morning. It brings a smile to her face. Everyday we will be asking students and staff to share moments of joy with us and we will be sharing them on our announcements. We cannot wait to celebrate these moments with everyone.


Many parents are parking in the parking lots of the businesses on the East side of our school. They have contacted us and are asking you not to park in the parking lot. It has hindered their own staff and clients’ ability to find parking. We want our community partners to appreciate our school and want to be near us, so let’s try our best to be great neighbours. We appreciate the support from our school community.


No dropping off students in the lane next to the bus loop. We have had some close calls in the morning. Students should not be crossing the bus loop. Please put safety before convenience.


We know many parents are getting used to our request to please honour our Kiss and Go lane. We ask that you please park your vehicle in our many designated areas if you are walking your child to the door or watching him/her enter the school. The “Kiss and Go” is meant for students who can go to their own door independently. We have many supervisors outside before and after school. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Starting Monday, we will have pylons set out and a supervisor helping parents understand our expectations.

Designated parking areas:

-CCBCC parking lot

-The entire North side of 50 Ave.

-Anywhere West of the staff parking lot exit all the way down 50th Ave.


On Wednesday, February 3rd. Our classes, at various times of the day, are going to get out and go for a walk. We know that the last few months have been tough. It is very important to get outside and get away from screens for our own health. Getting outside and at least going for a walk is a great way to feel better and can be joyful!


If you want to send valentine's this year. Please have them filled out earlier, so they will be put in quarantine beforehand. Connect with your child's teacher for more details.


We are continuing this program for the last part of the year. If you child is in grade 5 or 6 and wants to join, send Mr. Larson an email. erik.larson@blackgold.ca


February 3rd - Early Dismissal at 2:20pm (No pre-k or kindergarten classes)

February 4 and 5th - Teacher’s Convention (No School for students)

February 15, 2021- Family Day - No School

February 24th, 2021- Pink Shirt Day