Newly Discovered: a threatening disease

By: Francisco Cabal

Newly Discovered: Threatening Sickness Is Tearing Foundations Apart

Scaly skin, nerve damage in the brain and in the back of one's body, loss of feeling and muscle weakness are just a few of the symptoms that seem to be deforming our society. The community because of a slowly growing, painful sickness that has not received a name yet but has been largely notices this. The reader who is to read this print may have caught word of people carrying bells or clappers on the streets, these are the deformed that have caught the disease and have been wondering through the roads of many European cities. These bells and clappers do have a purpose that shall be explained later on.

There is an old man that suffers of this sickness that lives in a small house close to my village. With all the madness about this new disease I decided to talk to him, he told me some ways to prevent myself from getting that horrible disease claiming to be an expert on the topic, that he had been left out of any officially conducted research thanks to his poor state, but I doubted if I should trust his word. I eventually came to the conclusion to do all that’s possible to not get the disease.

The man told me to avoid people that are ill of that sickness or cadavers that died because of it. About avoiding people that have the epidemic he clarified that specifically foreigners are the most important to avoid. He told me that there are kinds of vapor that spread this kind of disease. Lastly the old man mentioned something about not consuming rotten meat, flesh, etc.