
The complexity of an old entertainment

By: Mateo Orduz Sarmiento

Since the origins of civilization, entertainment has accompanied humanity and has been part of the evolution of it, giving way to the development of activities such as theater, sports, dances and among others. However, in the Middle Ages, there was a specific type of entertainment called LUDI.

This refers to public games held for the benefit and enjoyment of the Roman people and also as part of certain religious holidays. These activities were used to control the citizens and keep them entertained and could also earn some money with the bets.

In addition, being a public event many children and young people watched these shows and, since very young, they are instilled death as a natural or if you can say "normal."

Not all the entertainment was based on blood, because the races were also performed. This was a mid-point between violence and competition, suitable for the whole public.

Over the incredible performances, how could a branch of entertainment have evolved? This is because the Circenses and Munera, continue presenting but in different way, as we can observe in the current cinema with an action or slasher films and in the races of cars as in formula 1 alone that with the technological advances of the 21st century.

Thus, as one can conclude that the theater was also improving and gaining more public until this moment.

There were three types of LUDÍ in the middle ages: the LUDÍ MUNERA, the LUDI CIRCENSES and the LUDI SCAENICI. Click Read more to discover about these LUDIS.



By: Juan Felipe Ortíz

There are many interesting facts that you may not know about the Middle Ages. We hope you find this information useful. Have you heard about the Colombian expression "salvado por la campana" (saved by the bell)? In the Middle Ages many people were buried alive and to avoid this, a bell was attached to their hands in case that they woke up, so they could be heard and unearthed. In regards to personal cleanliness, people bathed only twice a year, and they used very heavy dresses, fans to avoid bad smells, and flower fragrances to hide the smell; the handling of personal relationships were very peculiar, the insults in the Middle Ages were different from the we have nowadays, such as pulling the beard of men, calling villain for being low-class, call pigs to the Jews and bastard to the husband who allowed his wife to sleep with another man. Disease management and public health were not very effective, many plagues were transmitted by the lack of cleanliness in the cities, and the doctors and volunteers who looked after the patients wore a hat in the shape of a bird so they did not to have contact with the sick people, they used long spoons to give the medicine and sticks to hit the person who was too close.


Abstract: Entertainment in the Middle Ages and in current times

By Mateo Cartoy

What is entertainment? Entertainment is a group of activities where you can spent your free time. In the Middle Ages, people entertained themselves playing chess like in current times and watching tournaments where the mightiest warriors fought to death or enjoying the jesters with their jokes and songs.

In current times a lot of things have changed. For example, now we know the jesters as comedian, we have cinema and TV and the video games have appeared.

It´s incredible how the world changed since the Middle Ages. Now we have technology that is improving our life quality and our knowledge. In the Middle Ages things were more difficult, many of the changes of the time were in entertainment because of the technology.